Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday: Top 10 Debut Authors from 2015


Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme by The Broke and the Bookish.This feature gives a weekly Top Ten list. We all love lists, right?
This week’s theme is Top Ten Books I Wouldn’t Mind Santa Leaving Under My Tree This Year OK, we all know I want ALL the books, so this week I am cheating, changing the theme and following up with my Top Ten (ish) New to Me Authors from 2015 post where I eliminated debut authors to get to 10(ish). I promised they would get their own dedicated list, so here it is this week!


TheShardsOfHeavenCoverMichael Livingston – Author of The Shards of Heaven
The Shards of Heaven was an incredibly fun historical fantasy that really made me appreciate the time(set after Ceasar’s death). It also had a bit of an Indiana Jones feel and the magic was woven into the plot wonderfully. Highly recommend.



LongWaySmallAngryPlanetCoverBecky Chambers – Author of The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet
I absolutely loved A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet. It really makes me question why I’ve not read more space operas. It also has me checking to figure out when her next book is. I can’t wait to get back to this story!


sorcerer_front mech.inddZen Cho – Author of Sorcerer to the Crown
Sorcerer to the Crown was such a wonderful reading experience. It’s full of etiquette and manners and a female protagonist that likes to fly in the face of all that is ‘proper’ when she needs to. She is resourceful and outspoken and really just a blast. It was also a great book for exploring how minorities have to work to break through social boundaries and  not let others expectations limit what they strive to achieve.


TheGraceofKingsbyKenLiuKen Liu – Author of Grace of Kings
Grace of Kings was not a short, fast or easy read. But I found it to be an absolutely beautiful and legendary story. Liu’s style of story telling is very unique and creates a more grandiose feel to the world and story. I highly recommend checking him out if you have not already.



StationElevenCover2Emily St. John Mandel –  Author of Station Eleven
This book was released in 2014, but was new to me this year. This is one of the most memorable post-apocalyptic stories I’ve read. It featured wonderful characters that made me really care about the story. Loved it, and highly recommend.



Ryan Marshall Maresca – Author of Thorn of Dentonhill and A Murder of MagesTheThornofDentonhillbyMarshallRyanMaresca
Maresca had not just one, but two different parallel series release this year. It was interesting reading another novel, and different style novel) in the same world and city. There fun little bits that tied the stories together, but really they were quite different. The Thorn of Dentonhill is a coming of age tale set within a magic school. And A Murder of Mages is a detective story. Both are really fun reads.


 MysticCoverJason Denzel – Author of Mystic
In the grand scheme of things, I really don’t read many books that are labeled YA. But I have found there are some out there that I really enjoy. Mystic was a fast, addictive read that left me wishing I had my hands on the next book. I loved the strong female protagonist and am looking forward to reading what she does in future books.


TheDeadHouseCoverDawn Kurtigich – Author of The Dead House 
 The Dead House was fantastically creepy and haunting. It’s one of those books that leads you to wonder just how trust worthy the narrator is. Really enjoyed it.



FlexCoverFerrett Steinmetz – Author of Flex and The Flux
He had not just one, but two books published this year! And the magic system in these books is so unique and fascinating. By design it has such wonderful flexibility for what people can do with tis.


BattlemageCoverStephen Aryan – Author of Battlemage

Battlemage is a bloody battle ridden book that is fun in the familiarities and interesting for its differences. The plot and story were undeniable enjoyable and exciting.




Fran Wilde – Author of Updraft

The world in Updraft was just a joy to read. It was exciting and took us soaring through the world wear people live in towers in the sky and travel by flight.

11 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top 10 Debut Authors from 2015”
  1. I have not read most of those authors but I really enjoyed Maresca’s books. As for an other great debut author of 2015, I would like to mention Seth Dickinson, I loved The Traitor Baru Cormorant ! 🙂

  2. I love it when people make the TTT posts their own! 🙂 Sorcerer to the Crown was such a fantastic read, I’m really glad that I made time to pick it up. Station Eleven is getting a lot of buzz in Canada right now because it made it onto the long list for Canada Reads 2016.

  3. I agree with a lot of these, and in fact when I made my list, five of my choices were on yours as well! I would probably also add An Ember in the Ashes, Abomination, Owl and the Japanese Circus, The Unfortunate Decisionso f Dahlia Moss, and finally, The Shards of Heaven!

  4. Santa, gimme Shards of Heaven, please!! I really want to read this one, especially since there aren’t many historical fantasies set during that particular period. Becky Chambers was a real gift to read this year. Just remembering it makes me feel all warm inside 🙂 I haven’t read Zen Cho, yet – I might give it a go at some point (if only to see why some people just didn’t seem to like it while others totally did!). The Grace of Kings is another one that I want to read because it’s set during a time in Chinese history that I know little about and I want to be enlightened a bit with a good story.
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