Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Cover Reveal: The Guild of Assassins (The Majat Code Book II) by Anna Kashina

I often like to share my love for Angry Robot books, but I have to admit I probably have not shared my love their covers as much as I could have. Let’s face it, covers are important whether we like to admit it or not and Angry Robot has a history of selecting great artists that produce memorable covers. So today, I am happy to participate in the cover reveal for The Guild of Assassins by Anna Kashina. This is the sequel to Blades of the Old Empire and here is the blurb provided by Angry Robot:

Kara has achieved something that no Majat has ever managed – freedom from the Guild! But the Black Diamond assassin Mai has been called back to face his punishment for sparing her life. Determined to join his fight or share his punishment, Kara finds herself falling for Mai. But is their relationship – and the force that makes their union all-powerful – a tool to defeat the overpowering forces of the Kaddim armies, or a distraction sure to cause the downfall of the Majat? File Under: Fantasy [ Duty vs Honor | Forbidden | Unstoppable | Back in Black ]

So, without further ado, here it is! Cover Art is by Alejandro Colucci   TheGuildOfAssassins-144dpi   I have to admit, I like it. I’m a sucker for dangerous looking men. I was also a fan of the Blades of the Old Empire cover, which showed Kara, looking fierce, but not sexualized.

2 thoughts on “Cover Reveal: The Guild of Assassins (The Majat Code Book II) by Anna Kashina”
  1. Ooh, I like that cover too! I don’t know, the style just looks a lot more realistic to me in this one compared to the first book.

  2. ………

    I see they are still pretending this story is about Kara. Id like to see if they are more true to the blurb this time around.

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