Series: Shattered Sea #1
Also by this author: Half the World, Half a War
Published by Del Rey, Harper Voyager on July 15, 2014 (US), July 3rd (UK)
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult
Pages: 352
Format: eARC
Source: NetGalley
Also in this series: Half the World, Half a War

“I swore an oath to avenge the death of my father. I may be half a man, but I swore a whole oath.”
Prince Yarvi has vowed to regain a throne he never wanted. But first he must survive cruelty, chains, and the bitter waters of the Shattered Sea. And he must do it all with only one good hand.
The deceived will become the deceiver.
Born a weakling in the eyes of his father, Yarvi is alone in a world where a strong arm and a cold heart rule. He cannot grip a shield or swing an axe, so he must sharpen his mind to a deadly edge.
The betrayed will become the betrayer.
Gathering a strange fellowship of the outcast and the lost, he finds they can do more to help him become the man he needs to be than any court of nobles could.
Will the usurped become the usurper?
But even with loyal friends at his side, Yarvi finds his path may end as it began—in twists, and traps, and tragedy.
Half a King by Joe Abercrombie is exactly the type of YA book I have been waiting to find. It’s no secret, that Abercrombie is one of my favorite authors, so I was hopeful, but still wasn’t sure what to expect. In this book, Abercrombie does not compromise or dampen his story for a younger crowd. When things get dark and violent, so does the book. The detail may be a little less than his other books (maybe? Well, there’s no Glokta, but yeah, there is still violence), but Yarvi experiences some grim, dark times and those are not skipped over at all, the reader gets to see it all. And of course, it wouldn’t be an Abercrombie book if there wasn’t just the right amount of dark humor interspersed to help counter the darkness. Another thing I really appreciate about this book is that it does not have an overwhelming romance. I know there are other YA books that don’t, but often, that is my gripe. I enjoy everything about the story but some sudden obsessive love interest. Not at all the case here.
Also, for those readers who found Abercrombie’s other books slower to get into, I think you will find this one much quicker to draw you in. It jumps into the story quickly, and just keeps going. Other than that, I felt the main difference between this and Abercrombie’s other books was that it was told from a single POV. It stayed focused on Yarvi and his story and covered really little else. Oh, and no awkward sex scenes or cursing. I didn’t even notice their absence until I sat down to write this review.
I really enjoyed Yarvi , our protagonist, as a character. He is the younger son of the current King of Gettland, but in addition to the normal second son tribulations caused by watching from the shadows as an older sibling is prepared for the throne, being crippled confounds Yarvi’s feelings of being an outsider. His lack of a hand prevents him from being able to excel in fighting and combat, things that are highly valued by his father. Things his brother does excel at. So, Yarvi pursues an intellectual life, he prepares himself to join the ministry.
I have to confess in the beginning, I did feel he was a bit ‘oh, woe is me, I am just half of what I should be’. But that didn’t last. There is tremendous growth in Yarvi’s character, and to attain that, he had to start of weaker. He still struggled because of his disability, but instead of seeming defeated before he started, he began to look and find solutions that were within his power to do. Much like Tyrion from GRRM’s A Song of Ice and Fire, Yarvi learns to use his wits to achieve a goal where his body can not.
We get glimpses of the world only as Yarvi encounters it, so we don’t get full scale detail or history. This worked for me, I feel the book featured Yarvi front and center and all other details of the world or characters were secondary and only told as relevant to Yarvi ‘s current circumstances. It helped keep this at a 350 page novel instead of a 500 pages like the rest of his novels. Not that I didn’t enjoy the world building in other books, I just can’t say that I missed it here. Because while Half a King is shorter, it is certainly not half a story. It also comes to a good conclusion for Yarvi, and has just enough details at the end to feed into the next book.
If Half a King is YA (which it is), it has just securely positioned itself as my favorite YA novel. I enjoyed this thoroughly and felt it had all the strengths of Abercrombie’s other books, just in a condensed format that made it move a little quicker. I highly recommend this one.
Now the parent in me comes out. I have to confess, when I got this book, one of the first things I wondered is if I would be able to recommend it to my son. He is only 11, so younger than many YA target, but old enough he reads many of them. So, I was wondering, will this YA book by Abercrombie be one of the ones that can easily be handed to a young reader? Honestly, I think it would be an individual basis. If it is a kid that is not bothered by violence in books, then absolutely go for it. There is nothing else in here to warrant holding it back from them. There are also many good life lessons as Yarvi finds his way. But, if they may not be able to handle bloody sword fights and decapitations, then just hold off a couple years.
Many thanks to Del Rey and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
A no holds barred YA novel? I wouldn’t expect anything less from Joe Abercrombie. I was a little hesitant at first about this book because I’d be the first to admit I read him for his very adult grimdark, but I was intrigued anyway. And then I read his excellent post on the topic on his blog and I’m glad I decided to give this one a try. It’s gonna be hard waiting to read this until closer to release date! Sounds like the perfect cure for my recent burning out on YA; dark humor and no overwhelming romance sounds like just the thing I need from this category these days.
And good call about the individual basis of recommendations. I pretty much said the same thing about Chuck Wendig’s YA novel.
I was hoping it would be what I want to see more of in YA, but hated to get my hopes up too high. Loved it though. And I evidently do not have the restraint you do! 😀 I planned on waiting, but just couldn’t do it. It was the perfect book for me to read at the moment, so I just decided to dive in. Look forward to seeing what you think of it when you do read it.
I like the sound of Yarvi being a resourceful character. You couldnt hold of and dove right in huh! Lol.
Yep, no restraint. 🙂 And no regrets either. I really liked Yarvi. It’s nice to get characters that have no magic, no amazing physical prowess, just regular people who have to figure out how to get by.
Must. Hold… Back…
Glad to hear its great, but honestly I expected no less. He is my favorite author of his type (dark fantasy).
Well, you are showing much greater self control than I. I love his other books, and love this one every bit as much.
I have book 1 in his other series, and still have not started it, I am so lazy
I have an absurd number of books I have not started yet. I just see it as so many books, yet too little time. There’s always something I have left unread. Ah, well.
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