Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

New Day, New Domain and a New Look

Well, after 6 months with my blog, I have decided two things. One, I really do enjoy it and two, I was tired of sometimes feeling like my hands were tied in regards to tweaks and customizations to the blog. I couldn’t complain since I was using a very free, but rather limited domain. But I decided to branch out, get my own domain ( ) and revamp the site  a bit. I am a programmer for my day job and like tinkering with things, so now I can tinker away to my hearts content with my blog. Two reasons to enjoy it now! Books AND tinkering!

I love my new format for the review posts, but still have quite a few to update. I guess the transition is still a bit of a work in progress but I will get to them eventually. And after I do, I am hoping to get some better menus/indexes in place. In the mean time, I may also still play around with header, fonts and sidebars, but likely nothing too drastic. I think I still miss my ruins from my old blog, so who knows if we might see those again. So, Welcome to my new site! After I get a little more settled and finish updating and reformatting all of my old posts (which is taking way bit of time), maybe I will have a celebratory give away to thank my followers.


Thanks Again for reading the random things I have to say! And be sure to follow my new blog!

8 thoughts on “New Day, New Domain and a New Look”
    1. Thanks. 🙂 And as for ‘underutilizing’, you have the commentLuv plugin, which is awesome! (And something I could not do before). Also since blogs are not businesses, I think its only really underutilizing if there are things that you want to do or things you don’t like and can change but don’t. It’s all for fun and for talking about books. 🙂

  1. One day I’ll probably get my own domain, I’m just worried with the way life changes I’ll suddenly stop having time to review books, and I’m also totally hopeless when it comes to site building so that’s another thing holding me back. Things are looking good here! Grats!
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  2. I was worried about how long I’ll continue (especially since I really haven’t been doing it that long). But almost on a whim, I decided to cave in and do. I figure if life changes and I stop, I worry about that then. Plus, I enjoy playing with the site, so it makes it a little more worth it since. As long as I don’t go crazy and overdo it 🙂

  3. Congrats on this! I’m also another person that doesn’t have a domain for their blog yet. I started my blog only like four months ago, so I’m not really ready to go for it yet.
    But you made a great decision, the site looks great. Looking forward to your posts 🙂
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    1. Thanks! If I didn’t enjoy playing with the website, I don’t think I would have gotten a domain for my blog yet either. But I did, so now I need to try to spend more time reading/reviewing than I do tinkering with the site! 😀

  4. Congrats on taking the plunge. Blogging is definitely a hobby not to be taken likely and I am so excited for you that you decided to go ahead and get your domain anyway! I always figure the purchased domain is such a small amount of money, like eating out or buying a few books really. I cant wait to see the changes you will make!
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    1. Thanks! I also decided the cost of the domain/hosting is quite easily displaced by the ARCs I have gotten from publishers. I am so happy to be able to have more control over the blog now. I just have to make sure I still spend some time reading those books I want to blog about 😉

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