Published by Angry Robot on June 24, 2014
Genres: Fantasy, Romance
Format: eARC
Source: NetGalley

In a land riven with plague, inside the infamous Walled City, two families vie for control: the Medicis with their genius inventor Leonardo; the Lorraines with Galileo, the most brilliant alchemist of his generation. And when two star-crossed lovers, one from either house, threaten the status quo, a third, shadowy power – one that forever seems a step ahead of all of the familial warring – plots and schemes, and bides its time, ready for the moment to attack... Assassination; ancient, impossible machines; torture and infamy – just another typical day in paradise.
The Shadow Master by Craig Cormick was a different read for me. It is a bit steam punk with some humor thrown in, and a central romance of star crossed lovers. The central premise of the story is interesting. The land has been ravaged by plague, with no one safe or immune from its devastating effects. No one that is, outside of the Walled City. Within these walls they hold the secret to keeping the plague at bay, so the fortunate people within live unmarred and healthy. But of course, that does not mean they live in harmony.
Within this oasis from the plague, the people are divided between two households (the Medicis and the Lorraines) to the degree that a brief glimpse at a man’s facial hair will speak of his allegiance, which house he supports. Oh, and of course, this is a Romeo/Juliet love story, so our star-crossed lovers are from the different houses. (Brief confession here, I kept expecting to hear songs from West Side Story break out while reading).
Lorenzo (our Romeo) is an apprentice to Galileo, the Medicis most powerful alchemist and inventor. Lorenzo has a brilliant mind and is eager to solve problems and create new solutions. Prepare yourself for a plethora of devices consisting of cogs! Everything and anything can be made, if you just have some cogs and a bit of wire.
Lucia (our Juliet) is the only child of Duke Lorraine and lives high within her tower. She spends her time painting her idealized version of the city, removing walls and towers in an attempt to see what her world would look like in a time peace and prosperity.
The two have seemingly always caught each others eye and seek each other out from across their church or anywhere else they may cross paths. You know the, love and infatuation that is just created by some unseen chemistry that pulls these two into a tide where they are always reaching, searching, rarely finding one another. They have never haven spoken, but yet they are drawn to one another. At least the attraction is mutual and not stalker-y. My main comment with the characters is that they are rather 2 dimensional. But I also think that is typical of this type of story, and really all that uncommon. Kind of like Disney movies where a maiden fair is drawn to a dashing prince; The story is more about the evolution of the magical relationship rather than the characters themselves. You get the basics, some feel for them, but nothing much beyond that.
I will say I like the introduction of the Shadow Master, some mysterious figure whose allegiance is either unknown or non-existent. Without knowing his side or motivation, it keeps us guessing why he takes the actions he does and what he may do next.
Now, I would be remiss if I did not mention in my review that this book has offered up the most laughably awkward sex scene I have read to date. Not awkward for the characters, but awkward for the reader as the word choices kind of pull you out of the story. Prepare yourself for plenty of euphemisms. I am not sure if the author meant this to be humorous or not, but it certainly was. At least until View Spoiler ». That took it from laughable to kinda creepy icky for me.
I also feel the second half of the book was lacking a clear focus or direction. Things kept happening, but I really didn’t get a good feel for motivations which made it just feel random. It involved ‘madmen’, and I did feel that was rather apt. Once again, I left wondering how much of what I found humorous about this book was by design. Some of his humor was too blunt for my taste, the kind of satirical humor you would find in a prime time comedy TV Show. Most people like it, but it tends to fall flat for me, not just in this, but anything like that I read (Dresden Files being a very popular example).
This is a fast read, so if you are in the mood for a quick light read with a bit of steampunk Romeo/Juliet and humor, then give you could give it a shot, maybe it will work for you.
Many thanks to the Angry Robot and NetGalley for the ARC in return for my honest review.
About 3/4s of the way through this one, so I figured it would be safe to read your review. I have to say I’m getting the same vibes, and am probably feeling this book even less than you, lol. I can’t say I’m crazy about the language or style either, and not even just in the sex scenes, but the whole book. I’ll probably write about this too in my thoughts, but I just think the author might’ve went a bit too far with it.
You were totally right too, weird sex scene is weird! What’s with the euphemisms? I even started to highlight how many different terms he had for “penis” 😛
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Well, the thing is, I think some of the things I enjoyed laughing at in this book, were exactly that. I was laughing at it rather than with it. So, I got some level of enjoyment from it that way that I expect was not by design 🙂 But I found it funny (strange) enough, I just had to wonder if maybe it was, maybe it was meant to be very farcical. I don’t know. I mean, surely those euphemisms were not meant to be taken seriously. “Weird” is definitely a good term for it.
My favorites at the moment: “serpent of sin” and “fountain of relief”. 😛
You’re right, it’s hard not to wonder if this is farcical, but something makes me doubt it too.
Mogsy recently posted…Guest post: Intrigues of The Untheileneise Court by Katherine Addison
Glad I passed on this one. So far reviews are telling me it would have went exactly as I thought it would.
Heh, yeah, not missing out on much. The best thing about the book is the cover and you can see that without reading it.
Since I have absolutely no plans of reading this one nor it’s predecessor I HAD to read that sex scene spoiler – WTH was that! Sometimes I wonder about sex scenes, finding oddball ones can sometimes be hilarious but then also make you feel downright uncomfortable.
I unfortunately haven’t heard the best things floating around about this one. What a shame.
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There’s a predecessor? And seriously, I have NO idea what that scene was about. And his redirected focus was never again addressed in the book, it was completely random and unnecessary. And the euphemisms… I just couldn’t take it seriously. Ah well. The cover sure is pretty though 🙂
How did I miss your review. I’m reading this now – Ivory tower! Butterflies. Moths. Fucking mountains of the Goddess. Really?? I am sure that I must be missing something really fundamental but I’m not sure that I care any longer!
Apologies for the potty mouth but what is going on here??
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