Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025



Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme by The Broke and the Bookish.This feature gives a weekly Top Ten list. We all love lists, right?
This week’s theme is Top Authors I’ve Only Read One Book From But NEED to Read More

I tried to keep this to authors that actually have more than one book published, meaning, I could have read more by this author by now, but for some reason, I just haven’t. Otherwise, this list could be insanely long!! 🙂 And I figure I can’t feel guilty about not reading more when there’s not more to be read. Not that the list has to be about book guilt, but yeah, that’s how I’m doing it. A shame list of sorts.

  • TheFoldingKnifebyKJParkerK. J. Parker -I read The Folding Knife (review) for book club last year, and absolutely loved it. It’s very low fantasy, there was even some debate about wether it should be considered fantasy, butI honestly didn’t care. I was blown away by the protagonist (quite a morally ambiguous nasty piece of work), the politics, the scheming, and the questions I had about everything (in a good way). Parker has plenty of other books out there, and short stories. I often question why I have not read anything else yet.



  • 20706269Lauren Beukes – I just finished Broken Monsters (review) recently and am now a huge fan. I am already thinking of making The Shining Girls my next audiobook. I love Beukes realistic characters, the haunting personalities, the way some things walked the line and you just weren’t quite sure if there was a super natural/fantastical element, or if we were just seeing the horrific side of a person.



  • 20646731Kameron Hurley Mirror Empire (review) is another recent read. I had heard great things about God’s War, and now I am thinking I need to read it as well. Hurley’s world building is just phenomenal, and while I’d love to be able to dive into the next in this series, at least I know I can find another book by Hurley to read in the mean time.




  • 18664972Tom Lloyd – Once again, thinking back to Moon’s Artifice (review), I ask, why have more people not read this book?? And I hear Stormcaller and the rest of that series are also amazing, and have a darker edge to them. I like me some dark books, and seriously need to find the time to read these.




  • BetweenTwoFiresbyChristopherBuehlmanChristopher Buehlman – Ah, yes. Between Two Fires (review). My complete and total surprise find from my library. I love this book, can’t say enough good things about it. What I find quite interesting is this was also a historical fiction/fantasy, and I felt it was done amazingly well. All of Buehlman’s books have a completely different setting, and I am so intrigued to find out if they are all as amazing as this one.



  • 15729014Guy Gavriel Kay – I’ve not read anything else by Kay yet? Seriously? Sometimes I really don’t know what’s wrong with me. He has gobs of books to choose from and I loved The Lions of Al-Rassan (review), I love his prose and I hear all his books are just as enjoyable.




  • 8621462 Patrick NessA Monster Calls  was such a beautiful and touching story. I know he has at least 5 other books out (maybe more).





  • 172325Iain Banks – I can’t say I loved Feersum Endjinn as much as I enjoyed the rest of the books on this list, but this is a more obscure, less recommended book by Banks, and I readily did enjoy it. Plus, in it I could see a style of writing that I really feel I would love if I read one of his other books.




  •  GardensOfTheMoonbyStevenEriksonStephen Erikson – Malazan is huge. When we read Gardens of the Moon (review) for book club, I immediately bought the second book both as ebook and audiobook. Malazan is huge, I loved the Gardens of the Moon, I want to read the rest. But I think I’m scared because, well, Malazan is huge. I much prefer reading series back to back if they are available, but I just don’t see me devoting months and months to one series/author. So, I need to suck it up and find a way to read this one book at a time without dwelling on the fact that Malazan is huge.



  • 6550760-2Robin Hobb – This one may be a bit of a cheat, because: Yes, I have read 7 books by her, including her latest Fool’s Assassin (review),  and list her as one of my all time favorite authors. But, why are there still SEVEN more books by her I have not yet read?? Because I make no sense. That’s why. I really need to read those other 7 books.




Looking at this list, I can’t help but ask myself what it is I read during my free time, because every one of these are amazing authors I certainly need and want to read more of!!

18 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – Top Authors I’ve Only Read One Book From But NEED to Read More”
  1. Arry, I fully recommend you read Tom Lloyd’s “Twilight Reign” series (there are 5 of them) and Patrick Ness’s “Chaos Walking” trilogy. They are up there with my favourite books, even if they are very very different.
    As for your others, some I now really want to read 🙂

    1. I’m sorry, what did you say? I got distracted counting volumes of Malazan and calculating how many pages are in the series 😉 I really enjoyed the first one, you just have to go into it knowing to go with the flow and take the information as it comes. Some people go crazy reading it because you are pretty much just dropped right in the middle of conflict with no idea of whats going on.
      Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday – Top Authors I’ve Only Read One Book From But NEED to Read MoreMy Profile

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