Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025


Stacking the Shelves is a weekly all about sharing your good luck in book acquisitions! So here’s what came my way.


I haven’t done one of these posts in a couple of months, but decided I have collected enough by now that I should. Though I am leaving out anything I have acquired and reviewed already.  I’ve been in a bit of a slump this past week, so this is a nice reminder that I have some serious reading to do! And it all looks great!




The World of Ice & Fire The Untold History of Westeros and the Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martine, Elio M. Garcia, Jr. and Linda Antonsson (Purchased) – I couldn’t resist. This is not something I intend to sit and read cover to cover, but rather flip through form time to time. It’d make a great coffee table book, but the puppy would probably make confetti out of it, sooo, I’ll have to figure out something else.


The Secrets of Life and Death by Rebecca Alexander – I won this form Library Thing’s Early Reviewer giveaway. It’s a bit different for me, but I like the sound of it, and it’s always nice to get a book that is a standalone! Thanks to Library Thing and Broadway Books for this one!


California Bones by Greg Van Eeckhout – I am really excited to read this one!! Mmmm…. eating bones, and creepy stuff and all in our world (kind of).  I have to send many thanks to Tammy at Books, Bones and Buffy for the giveaway that sent it my way (I got my pick from a set of books, but didn’t hesitate as I already knew I really wanted this one!)



Digital Acquisitions – ARCs


23464181 21481566












The Inheritance Trilogy by N. K. Jemisin – I have been wanting to read something by Jemisin for a while, and have heard conflicting opinions on which of her series is the best (everyone seems to have their favorites). I was thrilled to get a copy of this one from Orbit, although have to admit, the whole Omnibus at once seems daunting 🙂 But in a good way! I loved reading The Liveship Traders straight through last month, and realized how much I miss doing that. Look forward to seeing if this has the same addictive feel that will let me read it straight through. Thanks again to Orbit!


City Stained Red by Sam Sykes – Alright, I have sneaked in reading the first few pages of this and am actually quite anxious to get a chance to read it through. I have heard positive recommendations for Sykes, and just a few pages in can see why. Really looking forward to reading the rest. Once again, thanks to Orbit for this one!


The Just City by Jo Walton – I’ve not read anything by Jo Walton before (that seems to be a theme here, doesn’t it?) But I’m intrigued and really looking forward to this one.


Digital Acquisitions – Purchased

17910048 20926278











The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison – (ebook and audiobook) I’ve read good reviews of this one, and it was reddit’s book of the month, so I decided it was a good time to give it a go. I am about 25% in and was enjoying it, but put it aside as I didn’t seem to be in the mood for it anymore. Goblins, airships, conspiracy. Should be good, right? I am looking forward to getting back to it.


Revival by Stephen King (ebook and audiobook) – I picked these up when I put The Goblin Emperor on hold. I love creepy stories, and one involving carnivals, and preachers, oh, and is written by Stephen King? Yeah. Couldn’t resist.

16 thoughts on “Tenaciously Stacking the Shelves (November 2014)”
  1. I just finished The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms and have moved on to The Broken Kingdoms. They SEEM really daunting but they’re very readable (I finished the first book in three days).

  2. I LOVE Jo Walton! I actually came across her stuff before I got really into fantasy – I went through a very intense lit fic phase a few years ago, and lots of people recommended her to me. She takes risks in her writing and I’ve got a lot of respect for her. I hope you love The Just City! City Stained Red also looks really cool.
    Danya @ Fine Print recently posted…Review: Burn For Me by Ilona AndrewsMy Profile

  3. I’ve got the Walton and Sykes. Not sure about Revival – I seem to have seen mixed reviews for it and it sort of puts me off – although it’s on a really good offer for kindle at the moment so I’m half just thinking of buying it. Perhaps I should wait and check out your final review.
    Lynn 😀
    Lynn recently posted…A little classic Q&A – the abridged version!My Profile

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