Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025


UPDATE: You can now find a running record of Backlist Burndown from my top menu. The link ups will also be included with my review at the end of the month.



I posted about this Dracarys! (Backlist Burndown) idea before, and now I am going to formalize it. I have set a goal for myself to read and review more backlist books. I absolutely love the new releases I read and review, but I know there are so many previously released books out there I will love as well. So, I need to get to reading them. My goal is to post a review of a backlist book on the last Friday of every month and I invite anyone with similar goals to join me and link your reviews (you can post them on whatever day works for you, just watch for my post to link up).


burn-down-houseThis is a great chance and excuse to finally read previously published books from authors you already love, authors you’ve always meant to read, books that you were just to busy at release time to read or perhaps you weren’t aware of at the time. Also those books you were unsure of until you read all the glowing reviews about it and realize you really should have read it as well. But ultimately, it is a great opportunity to just pick one book that you really really want to read and put aside all of the other obligations you have to do so. I am hoping others will join me, the concept has seemed popular, but if not, well, I will still enjoy the excuse to finally try and set fire to my backlist of TBR books.



20 thoughts on “Dracarys! Backlist Burndown Meme”
  1. Such a great idea! Love the name you picked too. It seems so easy to get caught up in exclusively new releases, especially for you established bloggers who get lots of ARCs. Really excited to see what everyone ends up picking, and hey, any push to read whatever you feel like has got to be good, right?
    Miriam @ Inky Realms recently posted…January Wrap UpMy Profile

  2. I think this is a great idea! Most of the books I read and review are ‘backlist books’, cause ultimately, I read for me, myself and I and I don’t like to feel pressured to read the newest of the new every single day. New releases appear on every single blog anyway, so it’s nice to know that there are other people out there who also like to talk about books from yesteryear and appreciate them even though they have lost their brand new sparkle 🙂
    Nick V. Reys recently posted…Reduction of the binary ‘in between’. On diversity in reading..My Profile

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