Series: Shattered Sea #2
Also by this author: Half a King, Half a War
Published by Del Rey on February 12, 2015
Pages: 400
Format: eARC
Source: NetGalley
Also in this series: Half a King, Half a War

Sometimes a girl is touched by Mother War.
Thorn is such a girl. Desperate to avenge her dead father, she lives to fight. But she has been named a murderer by the very man who trained her to kill.
Sometimes a woman becomes a warrior.
She finds herself caught up in the schemes of Father Yarvi, Gettland’s deeply cunning minister. Crossing half the world to find allies against the ruthless High King, she learns harsh lessons of blood and deceit.
Sometimes a warrior becomes a weapon.
Beside her on the journey is Brand, a young warrior who hates to kill, a failure in his eyes and hers, but with one chance at redemption.
And weapons are made for one purpose.
Will Thorn forever be a pawn in the hands of the powerful, or can she carve her own path?
What can I say? Abercrombie continues to know how to draw me in to a story. Half the World was absolutely no exception, and it has the added bonus of having a completely kick-ass female POV.
When I ended Half a King, I had thought the next book would continue to center on Yarvi. While he is a critical character in this book, Half the World does not tell his story, it focuses more on Brand and Thorn with Yarvi still visible in the background.
Thorn is fascinating. I have to admit to wondering if she is similar to what Monza (from Abercrombie’s other books, particularly Best Served Cold) might have been like as a young woman. Thorn’s one of those girls that just doesn’t fit the mold of what she is expected to be. Her father was a great warrior, Chosen Shield to a King, and her spirit and drive (and not to mention temper) put her very much in his footsteps. She is also set on avenging her father’s death. Thorn knows fighting and quite honestly, not much else. She is hyper-focused on that one area that it can make her blind and incredibly naive in some ways (as we all can be). Being different from what is expected sets her on edge and puts her constantly on the defensive. Though she is young, so she is still learning how to act outside of fighting.
Brand is a young man that had to grow up way to early, and has since become so obsessed with doing the right thing that he can also be a bit blind. And doing the right thing has cost Brand, has caused things to go horribly wrong. But still he trudges on, trying to do good, trying to stay in the light like his mother had told him to.
I found it interesting how Brand and Thorn are so very different in many ways, but yet so incredibly similar. They each have traits that define who they are and dictate how they make decisions, and blind them to seeing another way.
While these chapters focused on Brand and Thorn, it would be a mistake to think that the story is limited to just them. There are larger events going on in the world that will continue to drive the story for the next book. Also, with Half the World, we are getting a better picture of the world and magic. It is really taking shape as a post apocalyptic setting with “elf” magic and remains strongly resembling our own world and technology. I absolutely love this aspect of the book and find it quite intriguing.
Lastly, I’ll mention that I noticed the YA feel to this book a bit more than I did in Half a King. This is YA, so I don’t think anyone should read this as a negative point. And I am far from an expert, so anything I state here is just my amateur opinion. But I couldn’t help but be curious why I felt this more with KtW than HaK. I think it was in part because of the way the romance developed between two characters. I also couldn’t help but notice the amount of repetition with certain phrases. I decided to search my kindle to see how many times for one of them to see if it was just me. Yarvi is a a deep-cunning man. So much so that the phrase “deep-cunning” is used 19 times . If these references were equally spread out, that means you see this phrase about once every 21 pages. This is such a minor thing, but I think this was another factor that made me feel it read it bit more YA than Half a King. And PLEASE remember, this is a YA book, so I am not stating this as a negative, I am just talking through what I think made me notice it as YA more than the first book.
Abercrombie continues to be one of my favorite authors and I am eager (and maybe a bit anxious) to find out how this series will play out in the next book. Definitely recommend this book as I do all his others.
I really need to start this series! I keep reading great reviews. I’ve been having my own issues with YA lately, mostly what is YA and what is adult? seems to be my theme lately, LOL! But repeating phrases like that is more of an editing issue, more than a YA issue. At least that’s my humble opinion:-D
Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy recently posted…Have You Heard of Libib? It’s the Online Book Cataloging Website of My Dreams!
I don’t think the repetition was a bad thing in this case, honestly, I think it can be good for younger readers. I just couldn’t help but notice to the point where I wanted to know how many times it was actually used 🙂 And maybe I’m thinking middle grade for repetition more than YA…. I really don’t know.
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Half the World by Joe Abercrombie
I read the ARC of Half a King and then must have …um… fallen asleep and not realized this one was coming up soon! Great review that gives me a good sense of the book. Interesting that Yarvi is not the POV character. I think I like that and also that one of the MCs is a woman.
Stephanie recently posted…ON TV – The “Prince” of K Dramas? Coffee Prince
I really enjoyed Thorn (the female POV). Definitely another great book for the series.
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Half the World by Joe Abercrombie
How dare you cut your review before I do! Take a guess whether I liked it or not. Go ahead, guess.
It is YA, I get that. But it just feels SO right.
Nathan (@reviewbarn) recently posted…Fantasy Review: ‘The City Stained Red’ by Sam Sykes
Ha! I’m not organized enough to have reviews scheduled very far out. They usually go up very shortly after I finish reading. 🙂 And this is still, hands down, my favorite YA series I’ve read. Probably because it is still so very Abercrombie.
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Half the World by Joe Abercrombie
I can’t wait to read this. Great review. VERY EXCITED NOW!
Lynn 😀
Lynn recently posted…Waffle, waffle, waffle…
Yay! I think you’ll love it.
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday – Ten Books I Loved Reading with Book Club (plus some I wish I had)
I noticed the heavier YA vibe as well, and for me it was the romance. I was quite surprised Abercrombie actually went and did that whole “jealousy” and “misunderstanding” schtick! Not that he didn’t do it well, but it’s something I would have expected from “mainstream” YA, if you know what I mean.
Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum recently posted…Tour Review and GIVEAWAY! Master of Plagues by E.L. Tettensor
I was doubly surprised by how long the schtick went on! All the pining and misunderstandings … ah well. Still loved the book.
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday – Ten Books I Loved Reading with Book Club (plus some I wish I had)
This was very good and I completely agree with you that it was clearly more YA than Half a King. I also agree that a big piece of that was the way he dealt with the romance. It was a very good book.
Steph recently posted…Written in My Own Heart’s Blood – Diana Gabaldon
Yep, really enjoyed it, looking forward to the last one. And while I pointed out it felt more YA, I also feel like I can’t complain because it is clearly marketed as YA 🙂
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday – Mother of Eden
Lalalala, didn’t read this because I’m gonna read Half a King this month…but I see that you’re still loving the series and that makes me so pleased! Can’t wait to weigh in for myself on Joe Abercrombie’s work.
Danya @ Fine Print recently posted…Monthly Recap: January 2015
Oh, I am curious to see what you think!! I’ve read all of his books, and love them all. Look forward to seeing your review on Half a King!
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday – Mother of Eden
I totally get what you mean about this one feeling more YA than Half a King, but (like you) I still loved it. Also, yes, the redundancy of certain phrases. For me it was Thorn constantly “snapping out” her dialogue. Great review!
Jessica @ Rabid Reads recently posted…Review: Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder
The phrase “Half the World” was also used a ton (14 times), I decided to leave that out of my review, figured I would just mention the one, especially since I still really enjoyed it!
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday – Mother of Eden