Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly feature all about sharing your good luck in book acquisitions! So here’s what came my way.

I realized I have enough new books piled up, it was time to do another Stacking the Shelves post! I feel like I have so many books piling up that I really want to read right away, that I just don’t know where to start sometimes. 🙂


Digital Acquisitions – ARCs












The Skull Throne by  Peter V. Brett (Del Rey) – I may have had a few issues with Daylight War, but since I really enjoyed the first two, I am still looking forward to continuing this series. Quite excited to get a review copy and to see what’s in store for Arlen, Leesha and the rest.

Flex by Ferrett Steinmetz (Angry Robot)- Quite excited to see Angry Robot back! And this one sounds quite different and exciting (kind of what I am used to from Angry Robot). So excited to check it out! I mean, blurbs mention Breaking Bad and people are snorting magic! Many thanks to Angry Robot for the copy!

The Thorn of Dentonhill by Marshall Ryan Maresca (Penguin-Berkley/DAW) – This was a bit of an impulse request for me, but I am quite excited to give it a try. It has more romance than I typically read, but honestly, every now and then I quite enjoy it. Thanks to DAW for approving me!

The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy by Sam Maggs (Quirk) – I’ve been keeping my eye on Quirk ever since reading (and loving) Horrorstor. They put out wonderfully different books, and this one just caught my eye. Looking forward to checking it out!


Digital Acquisitions – Purchased

I acquired a few audiobook since my last post! 🙂










Dirty Magic by Jaye Wells (Audiobook) – I remembered reading a positive review for this by Mogsy at Bibliosanctum, and saw a deal on it, and went ahead and picked it up. I started listening to it on a whim this week and am enjoying it so far!

Dragon Keeper by Robin Hobb (Audiobook) – I loved reading The Liveship Traders last year, and since I still have The Rainwild Chronicles left to read, I went ahead and loaded up Dragon Keeper so I can start it whenever I feel the need to return to Hobb.

Gunslinger (The Dark Tower #1) by Stephen King (Audiobook)- This is on my must read at some point list. I saw it as part of Audible’s First in Series special and was happy to snap it up! Lynn from Lynn’s Books mentioned potentially doing a read along for this one, which would definitely be fun!

The Broken Eye by Brent Weeks (eBook) – I honestly thought I would have read this by now, but, well, books. There always seem to be so many I want to read. I may end up getting the audiobook as well because I’ll likely get to it sooner that way. Either way, I’m anxious to see if I enjoy it as much as I did The Blinding Knife.

12 thoughts on “Tenaciously Stacking the Shelves – January 8, 2015”
  1. That will be great if you and Lynn read Gunslinger together. Personally I have never liked reading Stephen King be a use he can be so long winded but listening to his books is such a different experience. So I seriously enjoyed the entire dark tower series on audio! So I hope you enjoy it!

    I still want to read Dirty Magic. I have Dragon Keeper on audio but I just reserved The first Farseer like you said on audio at the library. Hopefully the wait isn’t too long and guess what I found the two Lauren Beukes books I wanted to read the one you loved Broken Monsters and The Shining Girls!!
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