Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly feature all about sharing your good luck in book acquisitions! So here’s what came my way.

I normally do one of these posts every few weeks, sometimes they are months apart, but wow! This has been a busy, busy week for getting books! 🙂 I, just … honestly, I just don’t even know where to start! I want to read them all! Like now!


Unsolicited eARCs

First up, I got a nice haul from Nightshade Books in my inbox the other day. The few books I’ve read from them have been quite good, so looking forward to checking these out.












King of the Cracksmen by Dennis O’Flaherty- I have to confess with not having the best luck with steampunk, but I refuse to be biased against any sub-genres and this one sounds rather intriguing. I may wait until I see a couple of reviews of it to decide for sure where to place it in the TBR.

Evensong by John Love – The couple reviews I have seen of this one so far have been really positive, and “The Dead—biologically enhanced secret operatives created by the UN to solve the problems no one else can.” – Have to admit, that sounds like it could be pretty cool.Looking forward to checking it out.

Dark Intelligence by Neal Asher – Admittedly, I read Fantasy much more than I read Science Fiction. I also have to admit to reading very little (if any) military SF. Since I love military Fantasy, I’ve thought I should try it out, and the blurb: “One man will transcend death to seek vengeance. One woman will transform herself to gain power. And no one will emerge unscathed…” – this sounds so much like something I want to read! 

A big thanks to Nightshade Books for sending these my way!


Digital ARCs 













Mother of Eden by by Chris Beckett (Crown) – I found so much to in Dark Eden to think about and enjoy, I’m quite curious to see what happens next. This one features a different set of characters in the same world with a female protagonist. Given the gender topics of the first one, I am quite looking forward to getting a female POV! Thanks to Broadway Books!

Shadow Scale by Rachel Hartman – I read Seraphina with my book club, and will readily admit it is not one I would have picked out on my own. But that’s part of the fun of book clubs, they push you out of your normal comfort zone and let you see there are books out there you can really enjoy that you might have passed over! So, I am really looking forward to Shadow Scale! Thanks to Random House Kids!

The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins – All I have to say is this book was described as “Gaiman meets Joe Hill”. There is no way I’m not going to read it. I need to know if those accolades are deserved. Plus, the description just sounds like a book I will love, I would have wanted to read it anyway! Thanks to Crown Publishing!

Deadly Spells by Jaye Wells – I listened to Dirty Magic on a whim last week and decided to go straight into Cursed Moon. Then I realized I had access to a Deadly Spells as well! Looking forward to sweeping through this series! Thanks to Orbit!


Additional Acquisitions











Inked by Eric Smith – Excited I won a copy of this book from Not Yet Read! The concept of this book, where magic comes from tattoos, just really peaked my interest. Sounds like it should be a fun read and I’m looking forward to checking it out!

Cursed Moon by Jaye Wells (Audiobook, purchased) – I really enjoyed the Dirty Magic audiobook, and decided to delve straight into the Cursed Moon one. It’s a fun series so far 🙂

11 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves – January 14, 2015”
  1. I got King of the Cracksmen and Evensong from Night Shade as well – I’m happy to see they are still coming out with some great looking titles. I finished Evensong last week and I think you might like it…the writing style is a bit eccentric, but it reminded me a bit of Altered Carbon (and I know you enjoyed that one) with a bit of 007 mixed in.

    If I can get to Dark Eden before June, I may have to see about requesting Mother of Eden as well! And LOL I was the EXACT same way with Jaye Wells’ series. I blew through the first couple books in audio and realized I had access to the third and went, might as well 😀
    Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum recently posted…Mogsy’s Bookshelf Roundup: Book Haul, Backlist, What I’ve ReadMy Profile

    1. I think you’ll enjoy Dark Eden (though, not everyone does). You have to be prepared to really understand that some of the culture aspects of it are a result of how civilization evolved there versus being an extension of our world, I think when that detail gets lost, some readers react negatively to things that I really think are just misunderstood. Anyway, I enjoyed it! 🙂 And I’ve enjoyed the Jaye Wells series as something different. They really do make for great audiobooks!
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