Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Monthly Musings – February 2015

MonthlyMusingsThis is a where I look back at what I read (or tried to read) during the past month. I also plan on highlighting my experiences in any book club reads I from the month as well. I will always start with any books I would label as a surprise find/under-read books so if anyone missed my reviews for them, and don’t make it to the end of this post, they’ll be easy to find.


Not surprising, February went by fast!

This month I participated in my first blog hop (Share the Love Giveaway). And while I loved picking favorite authors/books to feature and giving one of them away, I can’t say I am eager to do another hop like that again. I know it sounds silly, but I would rather do one that featured participating blogs that focused on similar books as me. There were a couple, but in general most of the blogs were not ones I would normally be interested in. If I am going to feature a link to someone else blog/giveaway (even if it is just through a set of links), I would rather it would be one I felt my readers would be interested in. So, I love the concept, I just didn’t feel I quite fit the mold of most of the other blogs involved. Lesson learned, moving on.

I’ve really been enjoying my Backlist Burndown effort. It feels really good to search through all of my backlist books and picking one to finally read. It can be hard to choose, but I feel a sense of rewardment finally setting aside the time and giving priority to the books I’ve missed out on. I’ve also been happy to see some others join in!

I generally do not pay attention to author gender when I select my books, but sometimes I do tend to notice my reading trends, how many male vs. female authors I have read. Honestly, it does not tend to be an even split, I do seem to read more male authors than female authors. Last year, only 23 of the 66 books I read were by female authors. So, I was a bit surprised when I noticed that of the 13 books I have read so far in 2015, 9 of them were by female authors. That’s 35% compared to almost 70%. I don’t expect it to stay that way, but maybe it means my selections will be closer to even in regards to author gender than they have in the past.

Highlighted Read from February


Touch by Claire North – This book was just wonderful! The thought of someone’s existence relying on pretty much hijacking another person’s body, stealing time from their life as you take them over, is so fascinating and North does an incredible job executing it.

Review Summary [February]

Tough Traveling with the Tough Guide Tour [February]


Looking Forward to March 2015

February I have a few sequels to look forward to! Shadow Study, Shadow Scale and Skull Throne are all ones I plan on reading. Trying to pick my Backlist Burndown book for March is harder than I would expect. There’s just so many to choose from, but I think this is part of my challenge, making sure I just pick something and actually go read it. I think this month will be another audiobook month for it, so a couple of my choices (California Bones and Sharps) are going to wait for another month when I don’t have such a high number of ARCs to read (not complaining!!) I do have Gunslinger, it might be that, but right now, I am thinking I will go with Miserere by Teresa Frohock!




14 thoughts on “Monthly Musings – February 2015”
  1. I’m really looking forward to getting my copy of Shadow Scale. Just 9 more days! And I need to catch up on the Study series before getting to Shadow Study.

    And while I’ve yet to do a blog hop, I agree with your thoughts on it. If there are a lot of people involved, it can be time consuming to hop around, and if half of those books are not in genres you’d really want to read, then it feels like a bit of a waste. But, free books, so I really shouldn’t argue too much.
    Anne @ Lovely Literature recently posted…Monthly Wrap-Up: February 2015My Profile

  2. I find it difficult to choose my backlist books as well – there are so many! It used to be easier when I didn’t have as many ARCs on the review pile (not complaining either!) and now I find it easier if I tackle my backlist by listening to their audiobook editions. Much higher chance of me getting to it that way.

  3. I know how you feel about those blog hops. Nothing wrong with a nice YA book blog, but these days I’m only interested in SF/F blogs…especially ones that discuss a lot of Urban Fantasy (surprise, surprise). There are just too many blogs to follow them all! I think once you become more aware of your reading stats (genre, author gender, race, etc.) it becomes easier to read more diversely. Even if it’s subconscious, there’s a push to read more diversely than you did last year.
    Danya @ Fine Print recently posted…Review: Murder of Crows by Anne BishopMy Profile

  4. Audio books are the perfect way to burn down that back list. Hell half of what I read in February was audio books. Most of the reviews I’ve saved for posting in March because I know I’ll probably not have as much time to read or write reviews the first few weeks that the baby comes.

    You read some great looking books in Feb. I hope you enjoy whichever March backlist book you decide to go with. I’ll be reading Shadow Scale as well any day now.
    Tabitha (Not Yet Read) recently posted…Review: Heartless by Gail CarrigerMy Profile

  5. I was so glad I was able to read a backlist book last month! I’m not sure how March is going to go, I have seriously over-committed myself, but we’ll see. I’m so interested in picking up a copy of Touch after reading your review.

    As far as the blog hop thing goes, i don’t ever worry about the other blogs that are on the hop. I just know I’m offering a book I really love, and the people who want to read the things I like will enter my hop. What I DO hate about hops is that you get lots of “giveaway junkies” entering your giveaway, and you can tell some of them could care less about the book I’m giving away. I usually weed those people out even if Rafflecopter chooses them, I almost always pick someone who has left a comment on my post and sounds excited about the book.
    Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy recently posted…Beware: You’ve Just Entered White London! Blog Tour + Giveaway: A DARKER SHADE OF MAGIC by V.E. SchwabMy Profile

  6. I’m enjoying your backlist burndown – it gives me an incentive. Even if I just read 1 a month at least I get 12 off my tbr! Plus I can combine it with finish a series and kill two birds with one stone!
    Lynn 😀
    Lynn recently posted…You’re simply the bestMy Profile

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