Fri. Mar 28th, 2025
Graphic Novel Review: Saga Volume 4Saga, Vol. 4 by Brian K. Vaughan
Series: Saga #4
Illustrator: Fiona Staples
Also by this author: Saga, Vol. 1, Saga, Vol. 2
Published by Image Comics on December 17th 2014
Genres: Comics & Graphic Novels, Science Fiction
Pages: 177
Format: Paperback
Source: Library
Also in this series: Saga, Vol. 1, Saga, Vol. 2

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Visit new planets, meet new adversaries and explore a very new direction, as Hazel becomes a toddler while her family struggles to stay on their feet.

Collects SAGA #19-24.





SagaVol4-Panel1Well, I can say this is the first book I’ve read (graphic novel or other) that shows the struggles of a stay at home dad. Marko is caring for toddler Hazel, while Alana works as an actress.

I still find it interesting how this series manages to include real world problems and conflicts while being quite a fantastical story of a fugitive family, finding a way to survive an live their life of forbidden love. It just lends a more grounded feel to the story. There’s more stress on Alana and Marko’s marriage as they both feel the pressure of keeping their identities secret, Alana has the stress of performing and working full time, Marko has the stress of raising Hazel, trying to keep her entertained, provide her with opportunities to grow and enjoy life, but also conceal who she is, binding her wings so no one can guess her mixed parentage.

It’s a lot, and the stress shows. It is also so incredibly real and anyone with kids, or parents, or relationships, or coping mechanisms should be able to relate to some aspect of this story. The focus of this volume is really on struggles of their family, but we do get glimpses of Prince Robot IV (as well as his new born son), Gwen, Sophie and more. I think Lying Cat made just one appearance, which was disappointing, but then sparsity with Lying Cat’s comments always strengthen their impact. I love Lying Cat, even if I only get one panel.

Once again, a uniquely fun story that leaves me wanting more.

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