Tue. Jan 21st, 2025

MonthlyMusingsThis is a where I look back at what I read (or tried to read) during the past month. I also plan on highlighting my experiences in any book club reads I from the month as well. I will always start with any books I would label as a surprise find/under-read books so if anyone missed my reviews for them, and don’t make it to the end of this post, they’ll be easy to find.


Seriously, it’s April already? I think this montly musings post is making me even more aware of how quick the months fly by these days.

March was another great month! I’ve had a slow reading week this past week, but overall I am still way ahead of my goal for the year, and even for the month. As of today, I am 7 books ahead for the year for my Goodreads challenge, so I decided to not stress about my slow week, and instead feel good that I have managed to read and enjoy as many books as I have overall.

On the non-online front, I have actually gone to a couple of meet-up events for a Sci-Fi/Fantasy book group in my area. I’ve looked at these things before, but haven’t wanted to commit to another book club. This one is great because they have two meetings a month, one for a specific book, and another just for general get together/chat. I have gone to this open discussion a couple of times. Now, I want to mention, I generally don’t talk books in real life. No one I talk to much reads what I read, so it’s a different experience for me. What I found (which should not be surprising) is that talking to them, I feel that I am quite well informed and read for new releases. But, I am so completely clueless when it comes to so many older books, and honestly genre interests outside of books. I know this about myself, but somehow it seems to become more obvious in real life conversations. Most of the other people have been genre readers for life, me for just the past few years. But it’s good and I’ve enjoyed it, so plan on going back.

Highlighted Reads from March











These books are so incredibly different, but I love them both! Dreamer’s Pool was just a joy to read/listen to. A dark fairy tale with a mystery to solve. Flex is just a bad-ass style of urban fantasy where magic is drug and and stems from people’s obsessions.


Review Summary [March]

Tough Traveling with the Tough Guide Tour [March]


Looking Forward to May 2015

I have so many great books lined up for April! Honestly, I want to get to every single one of the right away, but fear I may have bitten off a bit more than I can chew. Ah well, it won’t stop me from trying! I am part way through Grace of Kings and am loving it! I adored the first two Tao books, and have heard great things about this new one, The Rebirths of Tao! Age of Iron was my most unexpected find last year, I can’t believe more people haven’t read it. Really looking forward to seeing what’s in store next with Clash of Iron. Honestly, Day Four does not release until June, but I just feel like I’m not going to be able to hold out to read this one even though I have a ton of other great books line up for May/June! I am also going to read The Wee Free Men for my book club this month. I’m a bit nervous at this particular selection as I don’t do well with silly or children’s books, I am pretty sure there are other Pratchett books I may do better with. And this one is supposed to be both. But, must read to find out for sure where I fall with it. If I end up feeling like it’s just not a great fit for me, I may just pass on reviewing it. I




8 thoughts on “Monthly Musings – March 2015”
  1. April seems to be a slow month for releases that I really have my eye on. There are a few, not so few that I can really slack off, but I’m hoping to use this month to read a couple of books that I really should have read in previous months. Nothing like a little time to play catch-up! Here’s hoping April will be happy and productive for both of us!
    Bibliotropic recently posted…March in RetrospectMy Profile

  2. I need to stop oogling Dreamer’s Pool and just buy it already! And the group sounds cool, but I would be intimidated by all the people with deep sff knowledge. I feel like it is a badge of honor to day you’ve read sff for years. Before it was cool… I’ve only read it in the last few years too.
    Anne @ Lovely Literature recently posted…Monthly Wrap-Up: March 2015My Profile

  3. Haha, your upcoming reads list for April is pretty much identical to mine except for Rebirths. This month is mostly going to be catch up month for me too.

    And awesome news about your new book club. I really wish I had something like that around here. There’s a big SFF club, but their meetings are about 45 minutes away and I just can’t do that at the moment. I’m probably just as clueless about older books (but my husband has that covered, he’d be the kind of old-school, life long SFF reader you’re talking about). How do you mean by genre interests outside of books, though?
    Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday 04/01/15My Profile

  4. Here I am trying to slowly creep back out of the woodwork. I hope you are doing well looks like you had a great reviewing month. I barely read anything in March…heck I am not sure I even broke four books, I’ll have to check. I have my March wrap up still in drafts lol. My local friend just bought me a copy of Flex because she knows the author. I hope I like it!
    Tabitha (Not Yet Read) recently posted…Review: The Boy Who Lost Fairyland by Catherynne M. ValenteMy Profile

  5. UGH how is it already April? I’m done my degree in less than two weeks…I can’t even. Shadow Study was supposed to be read and reviewed last month, but I’m slogging through it because I’m just not feeling it as much as the previous books. Can’t tell if Snyder’s writing has changed or if I have as a reader (probably the latter). I’ll be interested to hear how you like Wee Free Men – it’s one of the few Pratchett books I’ve read and I loved it. It’s clever-silly, if that makes sense!
    Danya @ Fine Print recently posted…Tough Traveling: EnforcersMy Profile

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