Series: Tao #3
Also by this author: The Lives of Tao, The Deaths of Tao
Published by Angry Robot on April 7, 2015
Genres: Science Fiction
Pages: 320
Format: eARC
Source: NetGalley, Publisher
Also in this series: The Lives of Tao, The Deaths of Tao

Several years have passed since the events in The Deaths of Tao. The world is split into pro-Prophus and pro-Genjix factions, and is poised on the edge of a devastating new World War. A Genjix scientist who defects to the other side holds the key to preventing bloodshed on an almost unimaginable scale.
With the might of the Gengix in active pursuit, Roen is the only person who can help him save the world, and the Quasing race, too. And you thought you were having a stressful day...
I just love this series. It is filled with action and intrigue as well as amazing, real characters and relationships. Oh, and humor! The conclusion to the series was every bit as fun and addictive as the rest the first two books. In short, this is a highly addictive, unputdownable, laugh out loud action packed series with memorable and enjoyable characters.
The Tan family is settled in a “home” base in the Northwest, where Jill (who is now known as The Great Betrayer for outing the Quasing existence) helps lead the Prophus. Roen is still trying to compensate for his shortcomings as a husband/father in Cameron’s early life while still acting as an agent. And Cameron, well, Cameron is training like an agent and trying to be “normal” at the same time.
I love Cameron’s chapters. For me, these provided the most fun since he is still young and a bit naive. You get that great interplay between Tao and him as well as between his parents. There is also a bit of angst (but not in a bad way!). He excels so much in his private life, but in school he just doesn’t find a way to feel like he belongs or fits in. As much as Jill and Roen tried to provide him with the opportunity for a “typical” teenage life, he is in no way a typical teenager. As much as I have always loved (and still love!) the other characters in this series, I can’t help but feel like Cameron grabs me in way the others don’t. I had a clear preference for his sections while reading, which is saying something when I still love Jill and Roen. I just want everything good for Cameron! I want his peers to appreciate how amazing he is, I want him to have the girl of his dreams, I want his parents to recognize how hard he works and allow him some say. But I also want to see him safe and out of danger (kind of a conflict when he wants to be an agent, I want him to have that, but I want him to be safe. It is hard to be both an agent and safe. Most likely it is impossible).
If I have to find a weakness in this, for me it would be the sections that focus on Enzo and Jacob. These are Genjix agents, and ones that have I often love getting the “bad guy” perspective, but I think it is very tricky to find that balance to keep me fully engaged during them. And when they have to compete with characters like Roen, Jill and Cameron, it is especially hard. So, I don’t want to sound like these sections were a chore to read, they certainly weren’t. But I never had the same connection with Enzo or Jacob as the other characters and so I just felt less engaged. These sections for me were almost more informational or about plot progression than the sections were I felt truly invested in the characters. They still moved at a good pace and had their moments of humor and action.
Another point of love in this series is the political games. The power struggle between the Prophus and Genjix and how they see humans and our planet makes for very interesting motives and conflicts. And I have to confess to enjoying speculating who in real life would be more likely to serve as a host to a Genjix or a Prophus Quasing. This book delivers some series Prophus/Genjix/humanity conflict.
Highly recommend this series to anyone who enjoys fun. Also recommended for those who enjoy action, politics and/or humans! Honestly, unless you are a Genjix Quasing (aka ‘evil’), I think you will love this book.
Now that you mention it, I was struggling a bit with the Enzo and Jacob parts too. Not struggling but racing through them because I wanted to be with Cameron or Roen or Marco. But it was a wonderful book and I can’t wait to read his next one!
Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy recently posted…Blog Tour Review + Giveaway: THE GAME OF LOVE AND DEATH by Martha Brockenbrough
Exactly, racing through them to get back to some other character (really any of the others) 🙂 Just because I love the others so much!
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday – Tower of Thorns
I’ve read a couple reviews where the readers couldn’t connect to the Tao-Cameron relationship as much as Tao-Roen. I agree with you though, I love them both but I adored Cam’s chapters in this book. Tao-Cameron was just SO MUCH FUN. Enzo was a tough character to get into, but I think I liked his chapters more this time. It’s just hard in general to connect with someone so plainly and unashamedly evil 😀
Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum recently posted…Teaser Tuesday & Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten ALL TIME Favorite Authors
What?!? I declare those readers insane! 🙂 I love Tao-Cameron!
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday – Tower of Thorns
I thought the Cameron/Tao relationship was great and I love that Chu mixed it up like that – not giving us something we were familiar with but moving on as the story went forward. It gave a completely different aspect and still allowed us to keep in touch with Roen and Gill. I admit I felt a little sorry for Roen in parts because he almost seemed a little lost without his inner partner!
It’s funny because I never really thought about the Enzo/Jacob chapters until you mentioned it here. Like you said – not a chore to read and actually sometimes really enlightening but I always felt I wanted to return to the others.
Lynn 😀
Lynn recently posted…The Doll Maker by Richard Montanari
Yep, I loved all the relationship in this, but loved Cameron, which is great since he was in the middle of it all.
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday – Tower of Thorns
Sounds like I really need to give this series a try.
I really recommend it! Lots of fun and action.
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday – Tower of Thorns
I love Wes Chu’s sense of humour – I actually found him through Twitter – so I snatched up digital copies the first two Tao books when they were on sale. Political machinations and general fun mixed with some wry observations? Sound perfect. I’m so glad to hear that the series is fantastic, and apparently goes out with a bang!
Danya @ Fine Print recently posted…Review: Dark Alchemy by Laura Bickle
Yep, the humor in it is great! And I love the politics as well.
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday – Tower of Thorns
I adored Tao’s frustration with puberty and loving/joking relationship he had with Cameron
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