Series: The Dagger and the Coin #1
Narrator: Pete Bradbury
Published by Orbit on April 7, 2011
Genres: Epic, Fantasy
Format: Audiobook
Source: Purchased

All paths lead to war...
Marcus' hero days are behind him. He knows too well that even the smallest war still means somebody's death. When his men are impressed into a doomed army, staying out of a battle he wants no part of requires some unorthodox steps.
Cithrin is an orphan, ward of a banking house. Her job is to smuggle a nation's wealth across a war zone, hiding the gold from both sides. She knows the secret life of commerce like a second language, but the strategies of trade will not defend her from swords.
Geder, sole scion of a noble house, has more interest in philosophy than in swordplay. A poor excuse for a soldier, he is a pawn in these games. No one can predict what he will become.
Falling pebbles can start a landslide. A spat between the Free Cities and the Severed Throne is spiraling out of control. A new player rises from the depths of history, fanning the flames that will sweep the entire region onto The Dragon's Path-the path to war.
It took me a long time to finally read this book. I’ve owned a copy of it for years because I was sure I would read it as everything about it screams “READ ME! I AM THE PERFECT BOOK FOR YOU”. Somehow, years pass and the book remained unread by me. Now that I have started my Backlist Burndown effort, this naturally seemed like a perfect choice! (And it turned out to be a very good choice!)
The book is reminiscent of a historical fantasy. There are references to dragons and different races of humans, but really there is not much “fantastical” (creatures or magic) in this book. Which is honestly fine by me as I most of my favorite books are low fantasy. There are four main characters that are really two sets of two, meaning Cithrin and Marcus’s storylines intersect and Geder and Dawson’s storylines intersect. Though I feel it was really about Cithrin and Geder more than their companion perspectives. Or maybe I just favored those two enough that they overshadowed the others. I don’t say that because any of them were bad. I just definitely had preferences for Cithrin and Geder. I will also mention, none of these characters are perfect people. All storylines have some moral ambiguity and shades of grey. This is something I love as I find it much more relatable and exponentially more interesting than black and white good versus evil.
I do have a confession to make in this review. I am a complete sucker for the girl dressed as a boy trope. I just love it for some reason, so I was thrilled when I realized that the one female perspective in this fell into that. Maybe it shouldn’t amuse me as much as it does, but hey, we all have personal preferences/weaknesses/quirks/tropes we love. This is mine. Cithrin is an orphan who was taken in by a banking house. Being intelligent and raised in a bank, she has a serious head for money and business. By a strange turn of events, she finds herself alone on the road with an incredible amount of wealth (the bank’s treasury). Cithrin is a young woman, and there is a bit of coming of age for her, but it’s not an overwhelming part of the story. She’s young, she’s placed in extraordinary circumstances and she has to grow, adjust and learn to survive.
There are some strong economic storylines and politics in this. But don’t let that dissuade you because it is incredibly well done and not the least bit dry. Actually, it reminded me of The Folding Knife by K. J. Parker in this way.
Geder is interesting because he is the low man on the nobility totem pole. He much prefers his books and studies to court or the sword. He’s an outsider and as such he is set up to be used in some greater political scheme. But being thrust into such a position gives him opportunity to become central whether it is what he is looking for or not. It is interesting to see an outsider with no real political ambitions respond to being thrust into the middle of things. I also enjoy getting the outsiders insight and take on events.
Being the first in five book series, there is a lot of set up in this book. When I think back, there were definitely some big events, but for the length of the book I feel like more of it was getting familiar with everything and set up for future books. I am not complaining! I love epic series and there was not once in this book that I felt the pace was slow or that I was sludging through world building info dumps. It all just flowed, and suddenly the book was done.
Overall this was an enjoyable read, I do plan to continue the series and just hope it won’t take me years to get to the next one!
I have challenged and committed myself to reading at least one book from my backlist every month and posting the review on the last Friday of the month. I invite anyone interested to join me and link up their own Backlist Burndown reviews. I will offer the link at the bottom of my monthly Backlist Burndown reviews, and also will keep a running record of the reviews on my Dracarys! Backlist Burndown page available from my top menu.

Wow, I know it’s been a while since I read this but…I’ve completely forgotten about the girl-dressed-as-a-boy in this. I remember this one being a pleasant read, but I guess it didn’t make much else of an impression. I still have book two on my reading list, if I pick it up one of these days it’s clear I’ll need a refresher. Great review though, and sweet choice for backlist burndown!
Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum recently posted…Backlist Burndown: Dark Eden by Chris Beckett
I was happy with it. And she’s not dressed as a boy for much of the time, but enough to suck me in 🙂
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Backlist Burndown Review: The Dragon’s Path by Daniel Abraham
It’s been years since I read this, and I never did continue with the rest of the series, even though I enjoyed The Dragon’s Path quite a bit. Maybe it’s time I start looking at the other books and getting that series out of the way, so that I can finally know what happens.
Bibliotropic recently posted…A Crown For Cold Silver, by Alex Marshall
I hope I get the chance to read the next one. Just need to read some review books first!
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Backlist Burndown Review: The Dragon’s Path by Daniel Abraham
I have enjoyed this series quite a bit, it is a must read with each new installment. Yet it has never lived up to The Long Price books in my mind. Abraham’s first is still his best.
Nathan (@reviewbarn) recently posted…Tough Travels – The Ace
I’ve not read Long Price Quartet. I’ll have to add it to my list of Backlist Burndown potentials.
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Backlist Burndown Review: The Dragon’s Path by Daniel Abraham
I love the idea of Backlist Burndown – I’m going to have to see what I can do about getting some matches of my own for next month.
I’ve had this on my TBR list forever, but the fact that it does seem more historical than fantastical, combined with the fact that his S.A. Corey collaboration didn’t exactly wow me, has kept me from giving it a read. Some day, perhaps . . .
Bob (@beauty_in_ruins) recently posted…WTF Friday: The House of Blood by Wayne C. Rogers
There’s no book that’s for everyone. And there’s not enough time to read every book. May as well stick to the ones that call to you more 🙂
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Backlist Burndown Review: The Dragon’s Path by Daniel Abraham
Great review! A book and series I have been wanting to start for a long time.
Thanks! It was an enjoyable read 🙂
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Backlist Burndown Review: The Dragon’s Path by Daniel Abraham
I’ve never read this author before, but I do have a soft spot as well for females cross dressers, LOL! Glad you finally got to read it:-D
Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy recently posted…Backlist Burndown Review: GENERATION V by M.L. Brennan
He also writes as MLN Hanover and co-writes science fiction with another author under the name James S. A. Corey
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Backlist Burndown Review: The Dragon’s Path by Daniel Abraham
I have this just lying of my shelf too. Cithrin sounds like a character I could like, and I’m a sucker for coming-of-age stories. I think the final book of the series is coming out the end of this year or start of next? I might give this one a read to see if I want to catch up for that release.
DJ (@MyLifeMyBooksMyEscape) recently posted…Backlist Burndown: The Blade Itself (First Law Trilogy #1) by Joe Abercrombie
I think next year sometime. Am thinking of trying to read the other 3 in preparation for it, but haven’t decided for sure yet.
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Backlist Burndown Review: The Dragon’s Path by Daniel Abraham
YES LISA! I completely hear you on the girl disguised as boy trope, it gets me every time. I think it’s a combination of my inherent desire to shout “woohoo girl power” at all times and the delicious dramatic irony of knowing that other characters have no idea who the MC really is.
Danya @ Fine Print recently posted…Review: Cold Burn of Magic by Jennifer Estep
I’ve always liked the girl dressed as a boy trope as well 🙂
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