Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly feature all about sharing your good luck in book acquisitions! So here’s what came my way since my last post!

It’s been a few weeks, and I have lots of great books to show off!!

Physical Books


SEAL Team Six: Hunt the Fox by Don Mann and Ralph Pezzullo – This was an unexpected arrival from Mulholland. It sounds intense and actually quite interesting and intense.  Many thanks to Mulholland for sending this my way.

When the Heavens Fall by Marc Turner – Thanks to Tor for this finished version! I read a bit of this already from a preview excerpt and am looking forward to finishing it!


Digital Pile





















Zer0es by Chuck Wendig – Wending. Hackers. A sinister NSA program. Yes, I want! Really looking forward to this one, and thanks to Harper Voyager for the advanced copy!

The Two of Swords by K. J. Parker – I have only read one book by K. J. Parker, but really loved it and have been meaning to read more! So when Orbit offered this up for review, I was happy to grab it! Many thanks to them for the copy.

Alive by Scott Sigler – I’ll admit, I really enjoy a good dystopian novel from time to time, and this one sounds really intriguing. Thanks to Del Rey for eARC.

The Philosopher Kings by Jo Walton – I am so excited to read this one. I loved The Just City and am anxious to dive into this one. Many thanks to Tor for the early copy.












The Player of Games by Iain M. Banks (audiobook) – This is what I wound up selecting for my May Backlist Burndown. I read one other book by Banks, but not a Culture novel. Really enjoying it so far.

The Vagrant by Peter Newman (audiobook) – I’ve heard some good things about this one and have been really looking forward to checking it out. I was also quite happy I decided to get it during audible’s half price sale (for 9 dollars plus change) after seeing the e-book is $18! But, I have a copy and am excited to check it out soon!

12 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves – May 9, 2015”
  1. You got some great books there! The Player Of Games is pretty good (it’s one of three Banks books I’ve read), but I’m a bigger fan of the third Culture book, Use Of Weapons. That being said, many people list it as their favourite in the series so I’m sure you’ll like it. I’ve heard some good things about The Vagrant too but I haven’t picked it up yet because the premise kind of reminds The Painted Man, which I didn’t really enjoy. I’ll probably give it a go eventually though.

    I’ve heard good things about K.J. Parker and Chuck Wendig as well so hopefully you’ll enjoy those too!
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  2. When the Heavens Fall does indeed look really good! I’m definitely interested in reading it! Ditto for The Vagrant; I’ve heard so many good things about it!

    And I can’t wait to dive into my copy of The Philosopher Kings. I’ve been holding off reading it until closer to the release date, and believe me, the wait has been very irritating! More than once, I’ve almost caved and started reading it well in advance!
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  3. I’m hoping to get to When the Heavens Fall around mid-month – it looks like it could be a sleeper hit. I was also this close to getting KJ Parker’s serials until I remembered how much I hate waiting between each installment. Hopefully they’ll put out the completed collection at some point and I’ll grab that.
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