on September 22nd 2015
Genres: Fantasy, Epic
Pages: 512

"I can command storms, summon fire and unmake stone," Balfruss growled. "It's dangerous to meddle with things you don't understand." Balfruss is a battlemage, sworn to fight and die for a country that fears and despises his kind.
Vargus is a common soldier -- while mages shoot lightning from the walls of the city, he's down in the front lines getting blood on his blade.
Talandra is a princess and spymaster, but the war may force her to risk everything and make the greatest sacrifice of all.
Magic and mayhem collide in this explosive epic fantasy from a major new talent.
Battlemage is a bloody battle ridden book that is fun in the familiarities and interesting for its differences. It is a classic good versus evil story, complete with a mad emperor, religious zealots and lots of battles. Like, lots of battles. The story is told through three points of view, each providing a unique vantage point giving the reader the inside track of the different way the war was being waged.
Balfrus is one of the battlemages who are fighting for the King of Seveldrom. They are at war against Zecorria, which is led by a mad Emperor who has a powerful battlemage of his own called The Warlock. Don’t names like that just make characters sound more ominous? But of course a powerful battlemage who does the bidding of a mad emperor is bound to inspire a good amount of enmity to earn his name. While there is a good deal more magic going on in this book than a typical grimdark book, there is actually a good deal amount of mundane human battle occurring as well. I enjoyed Balfrus’ perspective, and gaining insight to what it was like for him, as well as other battlemages to be separated from their families at a young age to be trained to prepare to serve in the capacity they are now serving.
Vargus is an mercenary that is down in the trenches, getting dirty and bloody fighting this war. While battlemages pit against each other, using magic, sorcery, mind control to serve their ends, Vargus and his comrades are swords length from their enemies fighting up close and personal, putting their own life and blood on the line to serve. They all make sacrifices, but the seeing the difference between the two groups was interesting.
Talandra is a princess of Seveldrom. But, don’t make the mistake of pegging her as a vapid girl with her sights only on potential marriage prospects or the latest fashions. Talandra is bright and crafty, and, well, she also happens to be a spymaster. Her actions prove that physical strength and magical strength are not the only ways to fight a war. Intelligence and planning are crucial and can make all the difference. See, this is the type of female character I can’t help but love.
The plot and story were undeniable enjoyable and exciting. My only issue while reading is that at times I just wished some of the battles were a little shorter, or certain aspects a tad less predictable. But also keeping in mind this is a debut book, I think the author is worth watching, and the series worthy of reading on.
Audiobook Note: Matt Addis delivers a good performance in this with a pleasing voice. His inflection and tone helped reinforce the characterizations and added to the reading experience.
I’ve read several good reviews of this book, but I’m not sure about the whole “battle” thing. I definitely have a limit as to the number of battle scenes I can tolerate. I enjoy them, just not a whole book full.
Tammy @Books, Bones & Buffy recently posted…THIS MONSTROUS THING by Mackenzi Lee – Review
It was enjoyable, but not sure if it might cross your threshold for battles. I mean, it wasn’t “the whole book”, but there were a good number of them.
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Audiobook Review: Battlemage by Stephen Aryan
My one expectation upon reading the title of this novel was fireball fights! The idea of long, epic mage battles is exciting, but I can understand it feeling like they are going on too long.
DJ (@MyLifeMyBooksMyEscape) recently posted…Book Collecting: Update #14
You know, some of it may have been my mood, not sure. Knowing the books you enjoy, and the fact this one is good, I definitely think its worth checking out.
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Audiobook Review: Battlemage by Stephen Aryan
I tried to make all of the chapters fairly tight and lean, so while the book is centred around a war, there is a lot more going on than just fight scene after fight scene.
Stephen Aryan recently posted…Fantasycon 2015 – Nottingham
Thanks for taking the time to read my review! 🙂 And yes, there is definitely more going on than just the battles.
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Audiobook Review: Battlemage by Stephen Aryan
This sounds like it could be really good in audio. I feel this format makes everything feel “sped up” though, I can see how that might make the fight scenes feel like they are coming up on after another.
Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum recently posted…Book Review: The Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson
It was good, ironically I did wonder if I might have noticed the battles less if I read print. Maybe just because most of the books that I would consider similar I read the print versions.
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Audiobook Review: Battlemage by Stephen Aryan
I quite like the sound of this – it has definite promise and appeal and I like the idea of the story being told in 3 different POVs.
Thanks for the review.
Lynn 😀
Lynn recently posted…No.20 Skull #Drawlloween
I think you’d probably enjoy it 🙂
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Audiobook Review: Battlemage by Stephen Aryan