Also by this author: My Life as a White Trash Zombie, Even White Trash Zombies Get the Blues
on July 2nd 2013
Genres: Fantasy, Urban
Pages: 320

Our favorite white trash zombie, Angel Crawford, has enough problems of her own, what with dealing with her alcoholic, deadbeat dad, issues with her not-quite boyfriend, the zombie mafia, industrial espionage and evil corporations. Oh, and it’s raining, and won’t let up.
But things get even crazier when a zombie movie starts filming in town, and Angel begins to suspect that it’s not just the plot of the movie that's rotten. Soon she's fighting her way through mud, blood, bullets and intrigue, even as zombies, both real and fake, prowl the streets.
Angel’s been through more than her share of crap, but this time she’s in way over her head. She’ll need plenty of brainpower to fit all the pieces—and body parts—together in order to save herself, her town, and quite possibly the human race.
White Trash Zombie Apocalypse brings us more of the Angel Crawford that has kept us reading through the series. She is still as awesome, outspoken and as against the grain as she always has been. Oh, and of course a bit irreverent and crass, but always in the best and most amusing ways. She also seems less broken than in the first two books. The first two books she was still pulling her life in order, and recovering (so to speak) from her previous self destructive life, to her new and better life as an undead zombie. Granted, she is still struggling/striving to attain certain things, like independence and a GED, but in general, she really seems to have gotten her act together. Now she just needs to work on her confidence and trusting herself a bit more. But she is obviously headed in the right direction, so I’m happy as I think she can evolve into a majorly kick ass character.
In this book, we not only have more zombies, but we also have zombies pretending to be zombies. 🙂 A film crew has set up shop in town and is filming, you guessed it, a new zombie flick! So, we have real zombies, fake zombies, zombies pretending to be fake zombies, fake zombies pretending to be real zombies. Oh, and a murder on the set. Let’s not forget that. Is it real zombies? Fake zombies? A conspiracy? Of course, that is what Angel and crew need to determine. And while investigating, you can rest assure that Angel will find herself knee deep in trouble as she gets close to the truth. The zombie mafia brought in during book 2 continues to have their hands in whatever Angel is investigating, as they seem to have become a central part of Angel’s world. And Marcus is still around as well, though there relationship definitely has its road bumps.
Overall, I continue to enjoy this series, but I do think it is one that I have to be in the mood for, and I’m also not sure I could listen to them back to back. At least not more than two of them. But, since I enjoy them because they are different, I appreciate that they are a good, fun diversion from my typical reads whenever the mood strikes. I look forward to continuing on.
I have challenged and committed myself to reading at least one book from my backlist every month and posting the review on the last Friday of the month. I invite anyone interested to join me and link up their own Backlist Burndown reviews. I will offer the link at the bottom of my monthly Backlist Burndown reviews, and also will keep a running record of the reviews on my Dracarys! Backlist Burndown page available from my top menu.

Ah, another series I’ve had my eye on! I actually have a signed copy of the first book, so no more excuses:-)
Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday [170] – THIS SAVAGE SONG by Victoria Schwab
I think you’ve hit upon the root of my problem with not being able to catch up with these UF series. Usually when I’m jumping on board a series now, they are already 5-6 books deep. I can’t read them back to back either, so I take a long time with getting to the next book or I stall completely.
Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum recently posted…Novella Review: The Builders by Daniel Polansky
This is defiently a series that looks like a fabulous time. Have you watched the CW show iZombie yet? I think it borrowed from this series and some others with the whole, fitting in as a zombie concept.
Anne @ Lovely Literature recently posted…Beer & Book Exchange: October 2015
You really seem to be liking this series! I’ll have to check and see if book 1 is on BookOutlet. I still have couple coupons I can use on there.
Speaking of fake zombies pretending to be zombies – kind of appropriate you post this review today, with tonight’s episode of Z Nation being the one with GRRM 🙂
DJ (@MyLifeMyBooksMyEscape) recently posted…Backlist Burndown: The Gunslinger (The Dark Tower #1) by Stephen King
I’m with Mogsy – there are a few series where I just decide I have to read them, but, the others, where I’m really far behind I have to make something of a decision that I’m simply not going to catch up. It’s tough because you miss out on some good books but you have to make the choice in a way.
Glad you’re still enjoying these – I did consider them and may have even bought the first one. Quite annoying really!
Lynn 😀
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[…] [30 Oct] White Trash Zombie Apocalypse by Diana Rowland ★★★½ […]
I adore the White Trash Zombie series. It was so much more than I expected. I picked it up on sale because I loved the camp of the covers. I’ve only read through three, however. Thank you for reminding me to pick up the next book.
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