Tue. Jan 21st, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday – Top Ten 2015 Releases I Meant To Get To But Didn’t


Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme by The Broke and the Bookish.This feature gives a weekly Top Ten list. We all love lists, right?
This week’s theme is Top Ten 2015 Releases I Meant To Get To But Didn’t


So in other words, this is my shame list. The books that sound so good, and then got great reviews (at least from the people whose opinions I trust) but yet, I ran out of time. These are the books that if I could swap out some of more regrettable reads, or even some of my mediocre reads, I would in a second. But my reading decisions were what they were, and so here are the ones I really wish I had read.


  1. The Fifth House of the Heart by Ben Tripp – I was SO excited for this one and really have no idea what happened with my reading schedule. Then it got awesome reviews and somehow I still didn’t read that. Fingers crossed I find/make the time for it this year
  2. Beyond Redemption by Michael R. Fletcher – I’ll admit, this one definitely flew under my radar and I really didn’t hear much of anything about it until after it was published. But what I have heard makes it sound like exactly my kind of book (all dark and wrong and wonderful in those ways). I debated about including it because I am actually reading it now (and loving it), but decided to include it because by not reading it last year I was unable to vote for it on any “Best of” lists.
  3. Twelve Kings in Sharakhai by Bradley P. Beaulieu  –  This is another one that really flew under my radar. I have to confess, I don’t love the cover, but I do love what I have heard about it and have seen it featured on a number of Best Of lists.
  4. Two of Swords by K. J. Parker – For some reason, the serialized format of this actually deterred me a bit. No idea why because each one should be so much easier to fit in. So far I have loved everything I have read by Parker and really can’t come up with an excuse that makes me feel skipping these was justified!
  5. Swords and Scoundrelsby Julia Knight – This book just sounds like so much fun, I wish I had found the right place to fit it in this past year. The quick release of the other two books in the trilogy just made me feel further behind, but one of these days I hope to get to it
  6. Empire Ascendant by Kameron Hurley – I know the first book was a bit divisive with reader, but personally I really enjoyed it. I think when this released I had several other longer books lined up and just had to make a decision which to read. I fully intended to read this one before the year was up, but unfortunately, that just didn’t happen.
  7. Our Lady of the Ice by Cassandra Rose Clarke – Admittedly, this is a little different than my usual choices, but I like to delve into “different” books at times, it keeps a bit of variety in my reading and also keeps me from reading too many long dark books. I had every intention of reading this one, just not sure where the time went.
  8. Slade House by David Mitchell – I really enjoyed Bone Clocks and have been meaning to read another book by Mitchell. When I saw this one was set in the same world and also really short, I thought it was the perfect choice. It still is, I just have to make time for it.
  9. Walk on Earth a Stranger by Rae Carson – This one received glowing reviews from a pretty much every blogger I know that read it. Its another one that I really didn’t hear much about until after release for some reason, and I have to admit, I am horrible at “catching up” with books post-release.
  10. The Girl with Ghost Eyes by M. H. Boroson – I just really need to read this one. It sounds unique and has been praised by trusted sources.
7 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – Top Ten 2015 Releases I Meant To Get To But Didn’t”
  1. I thought you started Fifth House of the Heart! By the way, if you do to finish it, I think that might make it the first book that all the TSHers contributors have read 🙂

    And I want to read Parker’s serial too, but hoping to jump on board when all the parts are collected in one big edition. I suck at keeping up with installments.
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  2. A lot of these would also be on my list. Hopefully I’ll get to them soon this year. Especially Twelve Kings, Swords and Scoundrels and Our Lady of the Ice are still high on my wish list.

  3. Yeah! How often this happens!! There are just so many awesome-sounding books out there. There’s always a few books that fall between the cracks of my reading schedule. I’ve been really wanting to read Joe Abercrombie for the longgggest time but still haven’t gotten to him. One day, though, one day!
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