Series: The Divine Cities #2
Also by this author: City of Stairs, Foundryside (Founders, #1)
Published by Broadway Books on January 26th 2016
Pages: 484

The city of Voortyashtan was once the domain of the goddess of death, war, and destruction, but now it’s little more than a ruin. General Turyin Mulaghesh is called out of retirement and sent to this hellish place to try to find a Saypuri secret agent who’s gone missing in the middle of a mission, but the city of war offers countless threats: not only have the ghosts of her own past battles followed her here, but she soon finds herself wondering what happened to all the souls that were trapped in the afterlife when the Divinities vanished. Do the dead sleep soundly in the land of death? Or do they have plans of their own?
For fans of City of Stairs, I think you’ll be happy with this next installment. Particularly if you were a fan of Mulagesh. I myself just wasn’t quite as into it.
I know it feels like everyone has loved this book. And by all means, I think the writing is solid. But I struggled to get into the beginning. Honestly, my reaction was that it felt like a lot of info dumping and detective work (have I mentioned I generally don’t care for detective stories). Maybe it was my mood and and/or the story set up. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t dislike it, but I just couldn’t feel the love. Another thing I noticed was that I liked Shara from the first book more than I enjoyed Mulagesh in this one.
Mulagesh is forced out of retirement and given an assignment to find a missing person. This mission takes her to a broken city where the Drillings are working to restore order. There are definitely some interesting things going on including a mysterious ore, and gruesome murders. There are questions about what is acceptable when in a state of war. There is much to like in this book, and I fully acknowledge that and completely understand all of the 5 star reviews.
For me, while I do believe this is a good book, I also feel like I may be done with the series. There’s just a bit too much of a crime/detective aspect to it for my personal tastes. It took me too long to get into the story. Plus, its no fun reading a book that garners so much praise from fans, a book that you can tell the writer has talent and is able to craft a story and just feeling rather ‘eh’ about it. I thought I might read on, until I went back and read my review of book 1. I think I struggled with some of the aspects in the first book as I did in this one and am just going to chalk it up to not quite being my thing. Nothing wrong with that. But, I will read other works by Bennett. I really am serious when I talk about the quality of his writing. I think it is just the type of story that I don’t care for as much, and its not unique to his books.
That’s a shame but we can’t all like the same books all the time. I love this series but then I do enjoy a good detective type novel too and combining it with fantasy is a little like a dream come true for me so it’s a win/win.
At least this has cemented for you that this isn’t the series for you which is good as there’s nothing worse than making yourself struggle on if you’re not enjoying it – in fact that’s why I don’t try to read books I’m not enjoying any more because it makes me stop reading altogether!
Lynn 😀
Lynn recently posted…Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuvel (Themis Files #1)
yeah, and I can’t say I dislike these, part of it may be I know how well loved they are so feel a bit more disappointment when I don’t love them quite as much.
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Audiobook Review: Snakewood by Adrian Selby
It would be hard to like this one if you don’t care for crime/detective stories, since this is pretty much one big magical investigation. Glad you got a chance to check it out, even if it’s just to know where you stand with the series. At least now you know!
Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum recently posted…Book Review: The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories by Ken Liu
yeah, sometimes I do OK with crime/detective stories, but it seems to be more the exception.
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Audiobook Review: Snakewood by Adrian Selby
Lisa, you’re breaking my heart! Detective stories are the best, haha! But really though, I can see how any sort of UF might be a bit of a slog if you don’t enjoy reading about detective work/crime solving, and I have heard some people say that investigative work is a major component of this series. Sorry to hear it wasn’t a particularly great read for you!
Danya @ Fine Print recently posted…Review: The Palace Job by Patrick Weekes
yeah, I wish I could come up with a better reason other than they often irk me, but well, it is what it is. And its not that I can’t see these are good books, just not quite what I feel like reading.
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Audiobook Review: Snakewood by Adrian Selby
Totally see where the beginning and the detective/mystery tone would be frustrating — especially if the first book raised the same feelings of meh in you. And I salute your decision to stop reading the series if it isn’t for you. There are too many great books to keep trying to fall in love with someone else’s favorites. 🙂
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