Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly feature all about sharing your good luck in book acquisitions! So here’s what came my way since my last post!

Wow, I am so behind on posting Stacking the Shelves!! Computer issues and illness kept me from posting, so its been an entire month. And it has been an amazing month for new book acquisitions!

Received for Review




Level Grind by Annie Bellet. This should be a good, fun urban fantasy to fit in between my other reads. I did get a start on it and so far, I’m enjoying it. Many thanks to Saga Press for the review copy!

Silverwolf by Jacey Bedford – This was a surprise arrival and is a sequel to Winterwood, which I’ve not read yet. If I find the time to read that one (which sounded good), I may get to this one, but right now I’m not sure. I have to confess, that Fabio cover does nothing for me, but I’ll do my best to not judge the book by it!

I also had a couple of arrivals from Pyr! And ARC of Department Zero by Paul Crilly, which looks like it could be really good!I’d not heard of it before, but may try to fit it in. I also got a copy of Congress of Secrets by Stephanie Burgis, which I know for sure I will read as I really enjoyed Masks and Shadows. Many thanks to Pyr!





Conspiracy of Ravens by Lila Bowen was on my highly anticipated list for 2016! Unfortunately it fell a bit short of my expectations (my review from earlier this week). But I am still very glad I read it and am grateful for the review copy. Many thanks to Orbit books!

Ruler of the Night by David Morrell – This was surprise arrival from Mulholland Books! While I have been quite impressed with Mulhollands offerings, I am not certain if I will get to this one. It doesn’t have a speculative aspect to it is probably the biggest reason. But you never know. If I’m in the mood for something different I may give it a shot. Many thanks to Mulholland!

The Rift Uprising by Amy S. Foster was not on my radar, but when it came in the mail (complete with nifty patch), I have to say it sounds very good! Many thanks to Harper Voyager for the review copy!

The Gates of Hell by Michael Livingston – is the sequel to The Shards of Heaven, which I loved, so I’ll definitely be reading this one. Many thanks to Tor Books for sending a review copy!




img_4892The Wall of Storms by Ken Liu is another sequel to a book I loved from last year (The Grace of Kings). I am reading this now and should have a review in the coming week or two. And this book is HUGE! I have an extra picture with my Arya POP! figure for scale. Many thanks to Saga Press!


The Immortal Throne by Stella Gemmell – I loved The City and am very excited to read this next one! Many thanks to Ace!





The Burning Isle by Will Panzo – This grimdark debut is one of my most anticipated books for the year. I am definitely looking forward to reading it soon! Many thanks to Ace Books!

An Import of Intrigue by Marshall Ryan Maresca – This is another one I’ve read and reviewed already. It’s the second in the Maradaine Constabulary series, which is the detective series that runs parallel to the Maradain series, which is set more in the magic school, and focused on a vigilante mage. These books are all fun. Many thanks to DAW books!!


A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers – I am so looking forward to this one!! I absolutely loved A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet. So many thanks to Harper Voyager!

Mirror’s Truth by Michael R. Fletcher – Beyond Redemption is a fantastic book, so this is another must read for me. Really looking forward to. My thanks to the author for the review copy!

Conspiracy of Ravens by Lila Bowen – I mentioned this one above. I was also lucky enough to get an audiobook version for review from Hachette Audio. Many thanks to them for the review copy!

Like a River Glorious by Rae Carson – I read the first in this series, Walk on Earth a Stranger, for my Backlist Burndown, and enjoyed it so much I had to buy the sequel in audiobook form as soon as it was released!

Giveaway Wins

I won Anya’s weekly giveaway over at On Starships and Dragonwings. And as an added bonus, I got to pick 3 books! A Green and Ancient Light, Beyond the Throne and Dreaming Death were what I selected because I’ve heard good things about all three!



Not a book, but my halloween shirt 🙂



16 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves – November 5, 2016”
  1. Ha ha, I love the GoT shirt! And what a bookhaul you have this week, too! I’ve already read Dreaming Death and Like A River Glorious, and they were both really good. (I think I love Walk On Earth A Stranger a smidge more than the sequel… but only a smidge.) I also read Winterwood a few months ago, but that one didn’t do much for me.

    The most recent books I’ve gotten were Ryan Graudin’s Blood For Blood (sequel to last year’s Wolf By Wolf, and already really good after just 60 pages) and Ursula K. Le Guin’s new short story and novella collections (gorgeous covers, and can’t wait to dig into either one – but they’re HUGE! 700 and 800 pages apiece! *lol*).
    Sara L. recently posted…Using Archetypes to Learn More About You and Your CharactersMy Profile

  2. Wonderful haul. I’m really wanting to read Department Zero. I had to get Poison City from Book Depository since it wasn’t out in the states yet and even though I’ve not read it yet, I knew I would never be able to resist a talking sidekick dog with a drinking problem. I want to get the Conspiracy of Ravens series because I think they sound really interesting. Love the shirt – perfect for Halloween. Hope you have a great reading week.

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