Waiting on Wednesday is a meme hosted by Breaking the Spine to let us share our excitement for books coming out soon.
I think this one sounds like it could be interesting. A monster that is the main character, faced with vengeance or progress. Which will he choose? 🙂 I can guess, but the journey could be a good read, and you never know. Sometimes books take an unexpected turn.
A Gathering of Ravens by Scott Oden
Published by Thomas Dunne Books on June 20th 2017
Pages: 320Â
To the Danes, he is skraelingr; to the English, he is orcneas; to the Irish, he is fomoraig. He is Corpse-maker and Life-quencher, the Bringer of Night, the Son of the Wolf and Brother of the Serpent. He is Grimnir, and he is the last of his kind the last in a long line of monsters who have plagued humanity since the Elder Days.
Drawn from his lair by a thirst for vengeance against the Dane who slew his brother, Grimnir emerges into a world that s changed. A new faith has arisen. The Old Ways are dying, and their followers retreating into the shadows; even still, Grimnir s vengeance cannot be denied.Taking a young Christian hostage to be his guide, Grimnir embarks on a journey that takes him from the hinterlands of Denmark, where the wisdom of the ancient dwarves has given way to madness, to the war-torn heart of southern England, where the spirits of the land make violence on one another. And thence to the green shores of Ireland and the Viking stronghold of Dubhlinn, where his enemy awaits.
But, unless Grimnir can set aside his hatreds, his dream of retribution will come to nothing. For Dubhlinn is set to be the site of a reckoning the Old Ways versus the New and Grimnir, the last of his kind left to plague mankind, must choose: stand with the Christian King of Ireland and see his vengeance done or stand against him and see it slip away?
This sounds really good! Plus I love the cover. Gotta love a story set in Denmark!
Tammy @Books, Bones & Buffy recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday [224] – THE DARK NET by Benjamin Percy
I’m trying to think if I’ve read a story set it Denmark? I honestly can’t think of one. Smoke and Bone? I can’t remember where that one was set for sure,
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Audiobook Review: The Dispatcher by John Scalzi
The first third is in Denmark — Sjaelland, to be precise. Be warned: I did play fast and loose with the topography 🙂
This book was fantastic. I received an early earc of the book. I am waiting to post a review. I can’t recommend this one enough!
Excellent! Glad to hear you enjoyed it.
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Audiobook Review: The Dispatcher by John Scalzi
Oh a really nice cover there!
It is pretty cool! I love the coloring.
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Audiobook Review: The Dispatcher by John Scalzi
I agree with Tammy — stories set in Denmark are so cool! I do like the Viking vibe that this one has going for it.
Danya @ Fine Print recently posted…#RRSciFiMonth: Invisible Planets by Ken Liu
You can’t go wrong with Vikings, can you?
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Audiobook Review: The Dispatcher by John Scalzi
I find this synopsis quite fascinating: thank you for mentioning this book, I will certainly add it to my reading queue! 🙂
Maddalena@spaceandsorcery recently posted…SciFi Month 2016: Babylon 5 Quotes Season #4
Yay! Hope you enjoy it!
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Audiobook Review: The Dispatcher by John Scalzi
A first I thought this was for A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab! I’d not heard of this book before, but it sounds AWESOME. 😀 I hope you enjoy this book when you get a chance to read it!
Have a fabulous week. 🙂
Check out my WoW post!
Alyssa Susanna (The Eater of Books!) recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday (#204): Dark Breaks the Dawn by Sara B. Larson
Glad to introduce you to it! And yes, I’ve actually done the same thing with Schwann title and this one.
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Audiobook Review: The Dispatcher by John Scalzi
I wasn’t aware of Schwab’s title until it was far too late. “A Gathering of Ravens” is a paraphrase of the opening line of Robert E. Howard’s excellent tale, “Spears of Clontarf”. I riff off REH . . . a lot 🙂
Scott Oden recently posted…The Rivalry of Letters
I’m quite excited about this one! June feels too far away!
Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday 11/23/16
I know! Sad thing is it will be here really quick and I’ll be scrambling to keep up with all those June releases,
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Audiobook Review: The Dispatcher by John Scalzi
The “wisdom of ancient dwarves” sold me 😛
DJ (@MyLifeMyBooksMyEscape) recently posted…(Guest Post) Book Review: The Fate of the Tearling (The Queen of the Tearling #3) by Erika Johansen
Ha ha! Yep, that sounds pretty good. Seems like elves are quite often the ones with ancient wisdom.
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Audiobook Review: The Dispatcher by John Scalzi
There’s an elf in it, too. But, he’s nuttier than squirrel poop (not that the dwarves have the market cornered on sanity, either).
Scott Oden recently posted…The Rivalry of Letters
Thank you for boosting the signal on this! I do hope you enjoy it 😉
My pleasure! I’m looking forward to it 🙂
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Audiobook Review: The Dispatcher by John Scalzi
This one sounds brilliant. I want it! It goes on the list and I hope the Gods look favourably upon me for a nice early book! Thanks.
Lynn 😀
Ha ha! Yep, I know that feeling! 🙂
Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Audiobook Review: The Dispatcher by John Scalzi