Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Friday Firsts – Winter of the Gods by Jordanna Max Brodsky


Friday Firsts is a new meme that will run every Friday here on Tenacious Reader. It will feature the first few sentences/paragraph of my current book and my first impressions as well. It’s meant to be a quick and easy way to share a bit about what I am reading, and I would love to hear others join in sharing their current reads as well.

Winter of the Gods (Olympus Bound, #2) by Jordanna Max Brodsky
Also by this author: The Immortals, Winter of the Gods
Published by Orbit on February 14th 2017
Pages: 432

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The Salvation Army Santa Claus narrowly escaped having his bell ripped from his hands and shoved down his throat. Lucky for him, the six-foot-tall, silver-eyed former goddess hoofing it down Broadway had recently decided to limit her less socially acceptable behaviors. But if the street had been a little less crowded and the streetlights a little less bright, Selene DiSilva might have made Christmas in New York just a little less annoying.

To avoid the jarring tinkle of Yuletide charity, she hopped lightly over an icy, pee-stained snowdrift and jaywalked across the street. But she couldn’t escape the signs of the season. At the end of the block, a Christmas tree stand hogged the sidewalk, its wares bedecked with colored lights. She peered up from beneath the brim of her WNBA New York Liberty cap at the giant inflated angel wobbling atop the sales shed.

Tempting target, she mused, thinking of the bow and arrows in her backpack. And much less morally abhorrent than taking out the Salvation Army guy. She glanced up and down the street, then sighed. No way could she get away with it. Already the tree seller had taken note of her, blinking eagerly though the thin gap between his wool ski cap and striped scarf. “Only eighty dollars for a ten-footer,” he offered, his cheer apparent even through the muffling effects of his outerwear. She should’ve ignored him, but the smell of cut pine assaulted her senses and demanded an answer.

“Only eighty dollars?” she marveled, stepping closer to bring all her superior height to bear. “What a bargain! I would’ve thought you’d charge a lot more for destroying our forests.”

Brodsky, Jordanna Max (2017-02-13T22:58:59). Winter of the Gods (Olympus Bound) (Kindle Locations 143-155). Orbit. Kindle Edition.

My First Impressions

I really enjoyed the first one and the start of this has the excitement and humor I enjoyed in the first one. I mean, it starts with Selene refraining from shoving Santa’s bell down his throat, how can you not enjoy a character like that?

What are you reading right now? Did it start out strong? Feel free to share in the comments

5 thoughts on “Friday Firsts – Winter of the Gods by Jordanna Max Brodsky”
  1. XD Glad you’re enjoying this one. I’m listening to the first right now, in fact. But I just finished the collected Bookburners season one, and although that started out a little rocky for me, I LOVED it by the end! Yay for good urban fantasy 😀

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