Tue. Jan 21st, 2025

Friday Firsts – The Empire’s Ghost by Isabelle Steiger


Friday Firsts is a new meme that will run every Friday here on Tenacious Reader. It will feature the first few sentences/paragraph of my current book and my first impressions as well. It’s meant to be a quick and easy way to share a bit about what I am reading, and I would love to hear others join in sharing their current reads as well.


The Empire's Ghost by Isabelle Steiger
Also by this author: The Empire's Ghost
Published by Thomas Dunne Books on May 16th 2017
Pages: 432

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The last time it snowed, Roger took a bundle of firewood and some biscuits to the Dragon’s Head.
The streets of Sheath Alleys were perpetually dank, as narrow and twisting as a guilty thought— and they inspired many, as Roger knew all too well. It was as if Valyanrend itself fled to Sheath to escape its past, to disappear into the shadows as so many of its citizens had done. For the city, at least, it was a lost cause. 

My First Impressions

I have to confess, I started this one in too many short bursts over too long of a time (like after two weeks, I was still in the prologue), and with all the characters, I had trouble keeping up. HOWEVER. I went back to the beginning, read the prologue straight through, and no longer had any problems. I found myself quite intrigued. There are a lot of characters to keep track of, but most of my issues originally just had to do with me not having the proper time to really focus on reading larger sections of the book at once.

What are you reading right now? Did it start out strong? Feel free to share in the comments

5 thoughts on “Friday Firsts – The Empire’s Ghost by Isabelle Steiger”
  1. This sounds like an interesting read – I love that description about the streets! I often find my enjoyment of a book is altered (for better or worse!) by what’s going on in my life at the time… but to find the will to go back and start again is something I’m definitely not used to!

  2. An interesting question… I found the very beginning of The Ninth Rain by Jen Williams a tad confusing but knowing I love her writing, I persevered but it soon sorted itself out and I’m now thoroughly enjoying this one.
    sjhigbee recently posted…While the Morning Stars SingMy Profile

  3. Interesting – just read Steff’s review and she seemed to maybe have a couple of issues to start with. I feel with this one that I’m going to wait and see how the series develops. I have such a lot to catch up with anyway.
    Lynn 😀

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