Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly feature all about sharing your good luck in book acquisitions! So here’s what came my way since my last post!

I really should post these more frequently. I have another great haul! Especially considering I am still on a requesting hiatus, but I am really excited for a few of these.

Received for Review

The Salt Line by Holly Goddard Jones – I have been more selective with what I’m picking up for review, but when I was pitched this book, I decided it sounded so good, I had to say yes. A dystopian thriller compared with Station Eleven? With killer ticks and adrenaline junkies! Yup, I am in. So many thanks to G.P. Putnam’s Sons for the finished copy for review.

The Glass Town Game by Cathrynne M. Valente This was a surprise arrival, and while I don’t tend to read books geared to a younger audience, I am curious and hope to check this one out since I’ve heard so much praise for the author.   Many thanks to Simon & Schuster!

The Secret History of Witches by Louisa Morgan This was another exciting surprise arrival. I am really curious, sometimes multi generational stories can work very well, and I’m looking forward to find out how this does. Also, witches! My thanks to Orbit!



Pyr, as usual, was very good to me. I have to confess, I don’t get a chance to read as many of the unsolicited copies as I’d like, but I may have to make the time for The Nine by Tracy Townsend. Many thanks to Pyr for the ARC of The Nine as well as a finished copy of The Castle in Cassiopeia by Mike Resnick

Quercus also sent me some goodies this time. All three are thrillers, which I may not read as often as speculative fiction, but I do enjoy. Pen 33 by Roslund & HellstromThe Irregular by H. B. Lyle and Close to Me by Amanda Reynolds  Close to Me sounds particularly interesting, so I plan to check that one out first. Many thanks to Quercus!




I’m also excited about a couple of titles I received from Harper Voyager. Marskwoman by Rati Mehrotra features magical knife wielding femal assassins. I don’t need to know anything else, I already NEED to have it. And City of Brass by S. A. Chakraborty sounds just as exciting. Many thanks to Harper Voyager!



16 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves – September 2, 2017”
  1. Killer ticks?! :S That in itself is enough to scare me away. But the Station Eleven comparison still intrigues me. I read SE earlier this year and loved it.

    In terms of my latest books, I just finished N.K. Jemisin’s The Stone Sky a few days ago and should have Leigh Bardugo’s Wonder Woman soon. There seem to be a ton of great SF&F books coming out over the next few months, too. It’ll be hard to stay on top of all of them!
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