Mon. Mar 31st, 2025


Friday Firsts is a new meme that will run every Friday here on Tenacious Reader. It will feature the first few sentences/paragraph of my current book and my first impressions as well. It’s meant to be a quick and easy way to share a bit about what I am reading, and I would love to hear others join in sharing their current reads as well.

Edgedancer (The Stormlight Archive #2.5) by Brandon Sanderson
Also by this author: Steelheart, Words of Radiance
Published by Tor Books on October 17th 2017
Pages: 272

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Lift had never robbed a palace before. Seemed like a dangerous thing to try. Not because she might get caught, but because once you robbed a starvin’ palace, where did you go next?

She climbed up onto the outer wall and looked in at the grounds. Everything inside—trees, rocks, buildings—reflected the starlight in an odd way. A bulbous-looking building stuck up in the middle of it all, like a bubble on a pond. In fact, most of the buildings were that same round shape, often with small protrusions sprouting out of the top. There wasn’t a straight line in the whole starvin’ place. Just lots and lots of curves.

Lift’s companions climbed up to peek over the top of the wall. A scuffling, scrambling, rowdy mess they were. Six men, supposedly master thieves. They couldn’t even climb a wall properly.

Sanderson, Brandon (2017-10-16T23:58:59). Edgedancer: From the Stormlight Archive (Kindle Locations 33-40). Tom Doherty Associates. Kindle Edition.


My First Impressions

Lift is a different protagonist. There are aspects of her attitude that I love, but other qualities that don’t always sit well with me. She is very childish, something that doesn’t always do well with me, but hey, there are good points to, so will continue on. Plus, I hear its a good idea to read this before Oathbringer. And its short, so that is always a plus as well right now.

What are you reading right now? Did it start out strong? Feel free to share in the comments, and also feel free to link up!


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