Sun. Dec 22nd, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday – Things That Make Me Pick Up a Book

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme by That Artsy Reader Girl.This feature gives a weekly Top Ten list. We all love lists, right?
This week’s theme is  Things That Make Me Pick Up a Book

Female characters that kick ass

Yes, I like when girls can fight and use the ability to put any doubters in their place and also break

Scheming and backstabbing

Have to admit, I love me some political intrigue.


Yes, I love rooting for the bad guys, especially if they are sneaky


OK, so I don’t limit the sneakiness to thieves, I also quite enjoy a good assassin prowling in the shadows.


OK, I do often enjoy low fantasy, but I do love a good, fun magic system (or ability)

Misfits and Underdogs

I like to see “misfits” become the heroes, it’s just fun wish fulfillment I think.


I know, it’s cliche in fantasy, but I do love a good orphan comes from nothing but becomes super powerful/ or important story.

Secret Life

I also love characters that appear to be one thing by day, but really have a completely different identity by night (doesn’t have to be day versus night, just in general, a public persona and secret persona)

The Cover

I know, I’m not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but a great cover is hard to resist!!


If reviewers I know and trust love a book, I am way more likely to pick it up.

What about you? What makes you pick up a book? Any great reasons I missed?

14 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – Things That Make Me Pick Up a Book”
  1. This is a great list. I love strong female characters and scheming and backstabbing – well all the reasons to be honest.
    Currently rewatching GoTs in prep for the final series.
    Lynn 😀

  2. Thieves are always a good incentive to read! I do love those morally gray characters who eventually get suckered into doing the right thing.

    Speaking of suckers, a book cover can go a long way with me. I know we’re not SUPPOSED to judge by the cover….but some artists are just REALLY good at their jobs.
    Caitlin G. recently posted…Top Five Tuesday – Favorite Romantic ReadsMy Profile

  3. Ooh all of these! I’m onboard with all these categories lol! I love an awesome cover, and I absolutely need to get to those gladiatrix books. Also assassins always work for me haha!
    Greg recently posted…Tuesday Tagline #136My Profile

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