Review: The Raven Tower by Ann Leckie - Tenacious Reader
In The Raven Tower, Leckie again took risks and presented a unique reading experience in terms of narrative style. I assumed that with this book, I would again fall into the set of readers that love it. Unfortunately that was not the case. In this book, readers get the point of view from, of all things, a rock. It turns out the rock is more than just a rock, it is actually a god. But since this god is inhabiting the form of a rock, it is limiting.Oh, and did I mention this is told in 2nd person? I find 2nd person highly distracting, and I think there are very few places it works well (at least for me). It also made it very hard to really connect to the characters, and I tend to be a very character focused reader. If I don't connect with them, it is quite challenging (unlikely) that I will end up enjoying the book. I won't say it can't happen, just that it is highly unlikely.