Reading for me. - Tenacious Reader
Reading and blogging was always something that I WANTED to do, both things that I enjoy. So when I talk about the stress and pressure, it was all completely pressure I created for myself by setting goals that were not always easy for me to meet. So, on my return to this, I am setting no expectations for myself. I have no set goals for posts per week/month/etc. No set goals for when to review new releases, or even how many of my posts may be centered around new releases. I'm just planning to post when I read something and find I have something to say. I miss the blogs, I miss chatting with my book/blog friends, and hope to maybe find a happy balance that I may have missed before. I've been updating the look/feel of the blog, and while I have most of it, will likely still make some tweaks here and there. If you notice anything off, please let me know.