Fri. Mar 28th, 2025
Captain's Fury (Codex Alera #4) by Jim Butcher
Review: Captain’s Fury by Jim ButcherCaptain's Fury by Jim Butcher
Series: Codex Alera #4
Also by this author: Furies of Calderon, Academ's Fury
Published by Ace Books on November 25, 2008
Pages: 656
Format: eBook
Source: Library
Also in this series: Furies of Calderon, Academ's Fury

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Binge Count # 4 of 6
Continue Binge? ✔ Yes!

In his acclaimed Codex Alera novels, #1 New York Times bestselling author Jim Butcher has created a fascinating world of elemental magic. Now, as enemies become allies, and friends become bitter foes, a danger beyond reckoning looms for all...

After two years of bitter conflict with the hordes of invading Canim warriors, Tavi of Calderon, now Captain of the First Aleran Legion, realizes that a peril far greater than the Canim exists—the mysterious threat that drove the savage Canim to flee their homeland.

Tavi proposes attempting an alliance with the Canim against their common foe, but his warnings go unheeded. For the Senate’s newly-appointed military commander has long desired to wipe out the Canim “scourge,” and their slave allies.

Now, Tavi must find a way to overcome centuries-old animosities if an alliance is to be forged, and he must lead his legion in defiance of the law, against friend and foe—or none will have a chance of survival...

Captain’s Fury by Jim Butcher is the fourth installment of the Codex Alera series. Now that I am 2/3 of the way through the series, I am certain I will finish all 6 consecutively in my binge read. Even if the 5th book went off the rails, it would have to do some major damage to change this, and I just don’t see that happening.

Once again, the world and scope for this story has expanded. I find myself mainly mentioning Tavi in these reviews, but he is not the only point of view in the book. Amara has consistently had chapters, and I think I have neglected to give much information on her. Her role as a cursor (essentially their word for spy) for the First Lord sends her on missions, this time she is sent on the most grueling and dangerous assignment yet. Her, Bernard and the First Lord get to go on a grueling journey for her latest mission. I can’t say this was my favorite part of the story, but it didn’t drag either. It was just kind of … there.

Tavi’s character also continues to grow. He has matured, but still maintains many of his clever traits and tendencies from the earlier books. Political scheming continues to play a large part in the story as well. There are multiple players vying to position themselves to be the next First Lord, and they add extra conflict and backstabbing to the story.

Fidelias is conflicted over his dual allegiances . He has been supporting Lady Aquitaine, who is working with her husband to overthrow the current First Lord. But while he has obviously turned his bac on the First Lord in previous books, he seems to be forming admiration for Tavi, who does support the First Lord, while working under cover within the war camp. His character just seems to be in a no win position and feels the weight of his decisions in life. He felt justified in not supporting the First Lord despite being one of his trusted cursors, he felt his allegiance to Alera came first and as long as he acted in what he felt was the best interest of Alera, he was justified. But when it comes down to it, he doesn’t want to be seen as a traitor, its not who he feels he is. But he was a traitor.

Overall, this continues to be a good series. I do really appreciate how the scope of the story continues to grow with each book. I think taking the time early on to have us learn specific parts of the world and certain players in the story, it pulls the reader in easier. Butcher is exposing us on a need to know basis, revealing layers as we dig deeper each book.

I am still enjoying reading this series, so straight on to book 5!

5 thoughts on “Review: Captain’s Fury by Jim Butcher”
  1. How are you finding it reading one after the other – I wondered if you’d want to throw something different in between chunksters but you seem to be pressing on really well.
    Lynn 😀

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