Tue. Mar 25th, 2025
Hirakata T-Site
Hirakata T-Site in Hirakata, Japan

The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. 

Hirakata T-Site
Hirakata T-Site in Hirakata, Japan

So, I took a little break from posting, I was in Japan for a couple of weeks and leading up to that, and following, I was just really busy with other things.

During this time, I diprobably didnt read as much as normal because we were really busy, but I did read the Remnant Chronicles by Mary E Pearson. I think I am going to post a single review for the series, sort of summing up my thoughts overall. This is a series I had not heard of before, but found at the library. It was a good fit for what I wanted during this time, a nice easy read. Just before that I also attempted a re-read of Mistborn. That did not go quite as well, I stopped after 2 books, deciding I had no interest in reading the third a second time. I may also post my thoughts on that.

Japan was very cool. My oldest did a semester abroad there, and we went at the end of his semester to site see with him before he came home. I feel like we saw and did so much, and yet there are so many things and places we did not have time for. There’s so much to see and do there, and its so different from the US. I feel very fortunate we were able to do this trip.

I am still trying to decide on my next read. I may do another re-read, possibly Red Rising as I have not read the two newest books yet. I am also considering reading Empire of the Wolf trilogy by Richard Swan. I’ve not read that one yet, but have seen fantastic reviews.

As always, let me know if you have any suggestions for me 🙂

Gifu, Japan
4 thoughts on “Sunday Post – June 30, 2024”
    1. I dont know if we would have gone if my son hadn’t been set on doing a semester there. I am definitely very grateful we were able to experience it. It is interesting how many “kids” (young adults) are very in to Japan these day. My son is very into manga and anime, so I think that may have factored in to some degree, but its a beautiful and interesting place even without that.

      I absolutely loved the Red Rising books I did read, which is the first 4. I somehow never wrote a review for the third, but did for books 1, 2 and 4. I still have to read books 5 and 6 and its been so long, and as much as I remember enjoying the first 4, I figure its worth a re-read. Hopefully I love it as much the second time through. You should definitely give the first book a try sometime when you have the time

  1. I hope you had a wonderful time in Japan, your pictures are lovely. And that building in the third one looks stunning. I’d love to see architecture like that in person. I’m glad you enjoyed the Remnant Chronicles, that’s one of my high priority reads although I’m sorry to hear your Mistborn reread didn’t go as well. Whatever you end up reading next I hope you enjoy it. Red Rising is one I’m really intrigued by as a fan of dystopian novels. And I’ve heard good things about the Empire Of The Wolf series too.

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