Thu. Mar 27th, 2025

The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. 

So, I’ve been a little quiet. I picked a strange time to start up blogging again, but since I’m still just reviewing what I want when I want, I don’t feel too stressed about it.  My job has been crazy busy as I am now leading two development teams. I’m still trying to get a handle on that, but can tell I’m starting to find my way, and it will help once we reach release (and code freeze) for one of them in a few weeks. So while I have been able to keep reading, my spare time to blog has been cut drastically for now. Both of my boys are also home from college now. I expect once they get back to school I will have more time for blogging, both working on my own as well as keeping up with other blogs.

Upcoming reviews (probably won’t all be posted this week, but are on deck):

  • Series Review: The Folk of the Air by Holly Black
  • Series Review: The Remnant Chronicles by Mary E. Pearson
  • Review: The Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
  • Review: Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros

A sampling of what’s on deck to read, only listing the ones I feel are most likely to be next (always subject to change based on my mood):

The Justice of Kings is on my must read list based on reviews I have seen around, and The Daughter’s War is on my must read list because I have loved every book of Buehlman’s. I do plan to re-read Red Rising because I have not read the last couple of books, but loved all the ones I did read. It’s just been a while and I think I will enjoy the later books more if I re-read the first four. The other two books I listed are just randomly chosen from the huge TBR I have staring me down 😀

Any recommendations to add to my TBR?

6 thoughts on “Sunday Post – July 28, 2024”
  1. That’s the beauty of blogging. You can dip in and out a little. I’ve not been blogging much the past few weeks either. I have been reading a lot though so consequently have many reviews to catch up on. I defo recommend Justice and Daughter. I’m keen to see what you made of fourth Wing. I still haven’t posted a review. In one way I can see what some of the excitement was about but in another, I did have issues.
    Lynn 😊

    1. I really enjoyed Fourth Wing, tore through both that and Iron Flame pretty quick. And yeah, I am definitely trying to be more laid back with blogging this time around (not that I didn’t enjoy it, but I also tended to have a bit more self inflicted stress with getting posts and reviews up)
      Lisa (@TenaciousReader) recently posted…Sunday Post – July 28, 2024My Profile

  2. It definitely sounds like things are busy for you, but I’m glad you still found time to read. Hopefully you found some new favourites in the process. I really need to read Fourth Wing sometime 🙈 it’s so popular and sounds so intriguing too. I’ve seen loads of positive reviews for Justice Of Kings too. And am curious about Daughters War based on a review that I read recently for a book linked to the series. Red Rising is on my must read list too. I’m really hoping I’ll finally start and get caught up on the series before the final comes out.

    I hope you enjoy the books on your TBR.

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