Fri. Mar 28th, 2025
Sunday Post

The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. 

So, as I have been trying to get back in to the swing of things with blogging, I decided it would be nice to add some sort of regular post to just informally chat about what I am reading, what I’ve read, informal thoughts on how I am deciding what to read, and maybe even look for recommendations if anyone has any for me. 🙂

So, I finally finished the Codex Alera 6 book binge read. I have posted reviews for all 6 books, and will be posting the series review this week. After that I very quickly read 4 Holly Black Books (The Folk of the Air trilogy, plus one novella set after). I will be posting those reviews sometime soon as well. I have found it easier to fall behind on writing reviews (or finishing them, I will sometimes draft thoughts and ideas, but not actually complete them), but since I am staying with the same “story”, it is so easy to not take the time in between books and just keep reading. I am going to try to get better with that.

I’m still trying to decide what to read next. I have been trying to mainly just read library books. I have 4 library memberships which helps (my local library, which is not great, plus 3 that allow non-resident memberships). The one thing with this though, is that their fantasy genre selections all seem to skew more towards YA and/or romantasy. But the more of them I have read, the more I enjoy them.

Any recommendations for my next read? Any favorite series or books from the last several years? I think I am kind of in the mood for something with assassins and/or some love triangle as a sub plot, because as much as some readers complain about them, I find myself a fan (as long as they are well done).

Currently under consideration for my next read (I welcome any thoughts or suggestions on any of these as well as something new to consider)

  • The Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare (starting with Clockwork Angel)
  • The Remnant Chronicles (starting with The Kiss of Deception) by Mary E Pearson
  • The Scholomance series (starting with A Deadly Education) by Naomi Novick.

Upcoming Reviews (Finished reading, just need to post reviews):

  • Series Review: Codex Alera by Jim Butcher
  • The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
  • The Wicked King by Holly Black
  • The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black
  • How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories by Holly Black
  • Series Review: The Folk of the Air by Holly Black
10 thoughts on “Sunday Post – May 19, 2024”
  1. I went through the Folk of the Air trilogy one after the other recently as well and with all those twists and cliffhangers I think it was a good way to read it. How did you find the novella? I’ve seen it and been tempted to give it a try but haven’t so far.

  2. Wow it sounds like you’ve been reading loads, that’s wonderful. I’ll keep an eye out for your thoughts on the Holly Black books. If you haven’t read it the Throne Of Glass books have an assassin and love triangles at times too. Red Sister could potentially be an assassin option too but I haven’t read it yet so I’m not sure what it’s like. The only other book with them that immediately springs to mind for me is Grave Mercy and tbh I found that to be kind of a letdown on the whole.

    The Scholomance series is one on my fairly immediate TBR too. And I loved Infernal Devices. Some of those characters just steal your heart. Your other maybe is still on my TBR though.

    Whatever you end up reading next I hope you enjoy it.

      1. Oh you’re ahead of me then, I still have Crescent City to get to. I’m glad you enjoyed Throne Of Glass though, I did too. If you do read it hopefully you’ll enjoy it more than I did.

  3. I love libraries. I used to have two memberships so you’re really winning!
    I hope you managed to find your next series to binge read. Perhaps you’ll have to pull a name out of a hat.
    Lynn 😀

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