Sat. Mar 8th, 2025



Tenacious Reader was started in September of 2013 and is run by Lisa Taylor.

What can I say? I read. Mainly fantasy. Sometimes horror or science fiction. Sometimes I talk about what I read and you’ll find some of that here. My reviews are my opinion and are from a readers perspective. I’m not a critic, I’m not looking to analyze the books I read. I just explain my reaction, what I like, what I don’t like and I try to say why when I can.  Elsewhere in the digital world, I am a mod at Reddit’s r/Fantasy and lend a hand with their Book of the Month for the Goodreads Discussion Group. I’ve also been know to be about the Fantasy Faction forum where I am an admin. I’ve been a bit of a book club addict in the past, but reviewing is helping me keep that balanced with the rest of my reading. ;)

I enjoy mostly fantasy, I grew up reading horror, so will always have a soft spot for that. I like books that have a dark side and am not a fan of happy fairy tales. Make of that what you will, but it’s what I enjoy. I still feel relatively new to the fantasy genre as I have been reading it only since 2010. That leaves many books for me to catch up with and means most of the fantasy that I have read (and enjoy) is newer works. My article, The Horror in Modern Fantasy, explains how I feel my love of horror is what brought me into the fold of fantasy.

Also, anything you find here is obviously just my opinion. If you agree or disagree, comments are welcome!


Header Art Credit: Midnight Flower by Jeremiah Morelli


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