Sat. Mar 8th, 2025

Review Policy

I read mainly fantasy, sometimes horror and occasionally science fiction if it happens to catch my eye. I read for fun and I review to share my thoughts.  Unfortunately, I never seem to have time to read everything I see that sounds good, but I do my best to keep up. I always love to hear about new books, so if it falls within my preferred genres, I am happy to take a look. I am happy to hear about opportunities for author interaction or giveaways, especially for books I review. I cannot guarantee I will read all books submitted to me, but if I read it, I will review it. Getting a book for review from a publisher in no impacts my review, I will remain just as honest as I am for books I paid for. All of my reviews will also be posted/linked on Goodreads, I can also post a review or link on Amazon if requested.

How to reach me:

Email: tenaciousreader(at)

Twitter: @TenaciousReader

Disclaimer: I have a very tight schedule, and with review copies from publishers and my book club reads in addition to trying to keep up with my own TBR, the odds of me having the opportunity to read and review a self published book are not that great. It’s nothing personal; it is just a shortage of time.